Pictures, Pictures & more Pictures

Our digital cameras have been put to good use the past months as hubby has been using it to take pictures of our precious Jacobo. Since his day one at the operating room, hubby took thousand of pictures already of him and it has only been a month. I wonder how many DVDs containing his pictures we will collect as he turns one.

But I hope all those pictures will not just be saved in our PC or DVD. With B, I was able to digi-scrap her pictures but only up to her tenth month and then I stopped after that. I was only to do an album of her first birthday and her second to fourth birthday is still sitting in our PC and I am still waiting for a free time where I can sit down and start digi-scrapping again.

Now with Jacobo, we are starting to collect thousands and thousand of his pictures again and I better start soon in digi-scrapping his pictures before I get lazy again.

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