Party Planning Mode

How do you deal with adult acne? I think I will have to face acne problems soon as I am so stressed out right now as I am starting to plan for three parties:

1. Jacobo’s Christening
2. B’s 5th Birthday
3. Jacobo’s first birthday

We will be having the baptism next month and so I have to start with the preparations. I already inquired with cake suppliers and have pencil booked August 22 already. I also found a souvenir supplier already and I am just waiting for hubby’s approval before I order the souvenirs. I also inquired with Jade Palace restaurant and they are still open on the date that I am targeting. Now I just have to wait for hubby’s brother, who is a priest, as he will take care in booking Archbishop’s Palace for the baptism ceremony.

I haven’t started on B’s birthday preparations as I only wanted a simple party for his fifth birthday but the grand parents and the aunties are pressuring me already to start preparing for B’s party because they are concerned that B is overly jealous already and is still adjusting with the coming of her baby brother. And so I really need to give her a party so she will not feel left behind with all the party preparations that I am doing for Jacobo. And so last week, I booked Arnold the magician for her party on November 20 and hopefully I will be able to drop by at Shakey’s Malate to book for their party package.

As per Jacobo’s first birthday, I already short listed the venue and I already spoke with my friend Mich for possible sponsorship at Valle Verde 6. I also checked North Greenhills clubhouse and they don’t require sponsors and they are still available on the date that I am targeting. Hopefully I can go out next week to check the two venues so I can book it already together with the magician that I want to book for the party.

Wooh, I don’t know how I will manage to survive planning for these parties.

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