Di Caprio to Visit PH

Before I look for insurance quotes, let me post this news first about Leonaro Di Caprio visiting the Philippines.

Leonardo confirmed through his Hollywood agents and publicists that he will be coming to the Philippines. It was earlier reported that Di Caprio will be arriving early 2011 but as it turned out, he will be arriving earlier than expected.

He will be here not to promote his movie Inception, but he has been invited by Joyce Ramirez, director for International Publicity at PR Asis Worldwide to promote an environmental-awareness project and to promote tourism industry in Albay.

Di Caprio will be staying in Misibis Bay, an ultra-luxurious resort in Albay for a week so it is still not sure if he will drop by in Manila.

This will be a definite boost in the Philippines’ tourism industry. My husband is from Bicol and I never heard of this ultra luxirous resort until I read this news.

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