Saturday 9: The Sun Rising

1. When was the last time that you watched a sunrise? Who were you with? I really can’t remember when because it has been a long time already but I know that I am with B, hubby and my parents.

2. If President Obama promised he'd do one thing you asked, what would you ask him to do? Increase my salary and give monthly bonuses. LOL.

3. What is one experience that has strengthened your character the most so far? When we lost everything. I learned that if we will just learn to stand up again and persevere and put God at the center of our life, then there is nothing that I can’t do.

4. What is the first thing that you usually do after completing Saturday 9? Post the link to my post on Saturday 9’s website.

5. Tell us about someone either in your life or in the blogosphere that you think is extremely funny. My daughter B as she has a lot of antics that really makes us go crazy laughing.

6. Where was the last bed that you slept in that was not your own? At Pan pacific hotel a few weeks ago when we had to check in to a hotel because there was no power at home and we know the kids can’t survive the night without air-conditioning unit.

7. Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything? Nope.

8. Have you ever licked something to clean it? I think so.

9. Who, outside of family or a S/O, has influenced your life the most? My online friends

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