Trait 1: Moral awareness

Moral awareness: Proficiency in recognizing moral problems and issues

My thoughts…..

Moral awareness will never be recognized unless it is being shared or taught in the classroom and other medium of communication. In every field of learning and of life, we relate our actions with our moral obligations but how do we determine that other people or a community thinks the same as we do if they themselves were not aware of their malpractice and malediction.

Yes, denials of moral responsibilities will be present because their culture or ways of life is different. In this moment of time we have to assert our knowledge and experiences that others may understand the need to be morally aligned. So I salute every teacher, every lecturer, every instructor no matter how poor their salaries are, they’ve given their services so that the minds of the child and the adults will be proper and acceptable by the society otherwise every seconds of the day is chaos...

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