Trait 4: Moral imagination

Moral imagination: Discerning alternative responses to moral issues and receptivity to creative solutions for practical difficulties

A Very Long Journey to Poverty -
What have we done to our brothers and sisters?

Line Up Your Pushcarts for Free Education:
Efren PeƱaflorida - CNN Hero

Photo snagged from

Efren PeƱaflorida, a Filipino is one of those voted as a CNN hero. Efren’s group go around barangays with their make shift push cart loaded with books, papers, tables and chairs and they recreate a school setting on the streets and they teach street children the basics of reading and writing.

Every Saturday, kids aged 2-14 years old flock around Efren and his team of volunteers’ push cart to learn reading, writing, English, Arithmetic and even the basic hygiene. The groups is really successful as they have inspired a lot of street children, former gang members, drug addicts, and even drop outs to pursue their studies and be an effective member of the community. Some of them are now part of Efren’s group and is doing their share in promoting Efren’s cause.

My thoughts…..

Growing up in Tondo is not that bad at all because we have a happy family but sad to say, the greater area are really and becoming a different place. With all the money the government claims, the several responsible departments, slums, dirty water, flooded area, diseases, out of school youths, gangs and ultimately poverty is on every eskinetas and shanty houses.

And Efren came and made an imaginative approach of helping our children. Indeed, small deeds can really make a lot of difference.

Efren said "I always tell my volunteers that you are the change that you dream and I am the change that I dream. And collectively we are the change that this world needs to be."

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