Trait 7: Respect for persons

Respect for persons: Genuine concern for the well-being of others as well as oneself.

Does Money Change Everything?

Boyet the Bull

Have you heard of the scene caused by this arrogant and not heard of Filipino fashion designer Angelino Boyet Fajardo at Duty Free Philippines? He threw his passport to the cashier after the innocent cashier who is just doing his job asked for any identification card from him because his credit card is unsigned. The cashier also received harsh words from Fajardo and Fajardo even threatened him that he will loose his job because he knows a lot of politicians. Fajardo even asked the cashier to kneel down before him and ask for apology. Maybe because of the fear of loosing his job, the cashier obliged to Fajardo’s request.

My thoughts…..

I wish to think of the lesson in the garbage truck story but this is quite different. It’s no longer a person with so much garbage in his life but a successful one with his products being sold at the big department stores; he must be blessed in one way or another.

But arrogance is a different thing; it should be taught or dealt with proper punishment. We cannot allow person disrespect another because it’s dishonoring one’s right for equality and justice.

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