Trait 10: Integrity

Integrity: Maintaining moral integrity, and integrating one's professional life and personal convictions.

The World Lined-up, Prayed and Bid Farewell to President Cory Aquino – “Her Path Made of Integrity”

The World Fall In Line to Extend their Love, Gratitude and Prayers to Cory Aquino – Frankfurt Germany

In our trip to Germany, we went to mass at St. Catherine church one Saturday when we learned that there is an English mass. When we entered the church, we noticed that the majority of the parishioners are Filipinos. We met a lot of Filipinos there and we were even able to sign the condolence book for our late Pres. Cory Aquino which we were not able to do while we are in Manila.

I was so happy when I learned that they have a condolence book for the late President Cory Aquino. And I was proud that time when I saw other nationals signing the guest book too as it goes to show how well respected and well loved Pres Cory Aquino is, not just to Filipinos abroad but to other nationalities as well. This just show that if you live a life of integrity, honesty and faith in God, you can have a deep impact on other person’s lives because this is how Pres. Cory Aquino has inspired us Filipinos.

My thoughts…..

Integrity is a very clear line, it’s either you have it or you don’t. It’s not hard to achieve if we have faith in God and been a good follower no matter where we are or what we do. This ethical virtue echoes and can transform others to have hope and to do good deeds by being an example to others. Holding what is the truth, performing what is righteous and having faith among men…

Cory embodied this virtue…

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