Trait 8: Tolerance of diversity

Tolerance of diversity: Within a broad range, respect for ethnic and religious differences, and acceptance of reasonable differences in moral perspectives

The Holy See

A Line to Papal Audience – An Unfathomable Experience

The first group of Filipinos that we met was in St. Leonard church in Frankfurt. The Alcantara family was one of the Filipino families that we met after the mass and they accompanied us to the bus station where we will take our ride to Prague. They even offered to take us to Heidelberg (where you can find Rizal’s monument because Howell was really interested to go there), but since our bus leaves that evening, we have to beg off their offer.

The next group of Filipinos that we met in Venice was siblings Meg, Danny and Chito and they are traveling together with Fr. Lito (who is base in Rome) and his mother. We had dinner together and we really hit it off and we are laughing like crazy as if we have known each other for such a long time already. Since they are going back to Rome the same time we are there, they even invited us to have dinner at Fr. Lito’s house in Rome.

We learned that they are also planning to attend the Papal Audience and since Fr. Lito’s house is near the Pope’s summer house where the Papal audience will be held the next day (which is 1 hr travel from Rome downtown), they did not let us went back to our hotel but instead they accommodated us at Fr. Lito’s house so we will be early for the Papal Audience.

It was an unbelievable experience, our tears fell down the very second we see the Pope. My husband and I can’t believe it that we are actually in the presence of a human being yet he has that aura of peace and love all over him. You can hear the crowd cheering his name “Benedicto! Benedicto!” as if they are calling him to shower us with God’s love which he did. We are so touch when he said, “I bless all of you and I extend my blessing to your family and love ones who are not with you today, who are at your home, at your country.”

My thoughts…..

During that day, the audience is from different countries and from several continents but cheering only of one name, which is the Pope’s.

He embodied the tolerance of diversity; he embraces all regardless of color, religions and other differences.

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