@ 17 Weeks

I am now on my 17th weeks of pregnancy. As per BabyCenter.com’s Pregnancy calendar, my expected due date will be on June 23, 2010 which is one week earlier than what my OB advised me as my expected date of delivery (July 2, 2010).

I just have to continue taking Duphaston for one more week then I just have to take my ascorbic acid (which is really working for me as I did not catch coughs and colds even though my whole family has one) and my doctor gave me new prenatal vitamins now that I am already passed my first trimester.

So what should I be expecting now that I am on my 17 weeks? Based on My Calendar at BabyCenter.com, these are the things that I should be expecting for this week:

• Pregnancy hormones may make my eyes a little dry and dull my vision. Contact lenses may feel uncomfortable, too but over-the-counter eye drops often help.
• My baby measures about 5 inches and weighs about 5 ounces. This is how my baby looks like now:

Picture snagged from BabyCenter.com

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