ME Time

On the other hand, I can have an alternative plan to celebrate my birthday. Since I am still on leave, I can use this day for my “Me Time.” I can go to a spa or salon and have a haircut, a manicure and pedicure and maybe I can also go to a dermatologist since I also need recommendation for acne scar removal.

This sounds like a good idea. I can’t remember the last time I had my “Me Time.” Ever since I became a mom, my world revolves around B that all my activities should involve her. Even hubby and I rarely go on a date because we always want our daughter to be with us everywhere we go.

Since I will be going back to the office next week, I definitely need to go to a salon to at least have a make over before I go back to work. I also need to fill my closet with new maternity clothes since my old office clothes no longer fit me anymore. I can talk to my mom, since I still don’t have a yaya, so she can take care of Bela while I go out for a day on my birthday.

Just thinking about it makes me all excited already…

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