I love to Eat

Just when I thought that I am finished pigging out during the holiday season…But I was wrong. I was chatting with my MBAP friends and I told them about my problem that even up to now that I am already on my 14th week of pregnancy, I still feel bloated after eating. They advised me that I should eat light during breakfast and snack time and I should just try to eat at least 1 cup of rice only during lunch and dinner. They said that during this time, I should start eating healthy and light so the baby will not grow that big.

I promised myself that I will really try to do this but then I can’t stop myself from eating after seeing this:

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These were the food that we ordered during Lala’s shower. We had crispy pata, chopseuy, beef and my friend’s husband even brought lechon from Cebu. We even had cake for dessert. Yummy.

Looks like diet will not really work for me but I should try using elliptical too like my friend Joy who is pregnant also like me. She said that she has learned some exercise for pregnant women when she and her husband attended Lamaze class and she is doing elliptical too. You’re my idol Joy!! Honestly, I am really so lazy that I would rather prefer to sleep and eat than do exercise. LOL.

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