No More Tobey for Spider-man 4

“I am so proud of what we accomplished with the Spider-Man franchise over the last decade. Beyond the films themselves I have formed some deep and lasting friendships. I am excited to see the next chapter unfold in this incredible story.”

This is from Tobey Maguire after news has spread that Spider Man 4 will no longer include the old casts including Tobey himself and they will also have a new director and new film making crew.

Spiderman 4 is set to release in 2011 but director Sam Raimi decided to withdraw from the project because he thinks that he won’t be able to meet Sony’s deadline of 2011. Instead of hiring a new director, Sony decided to get a new franchise and hire a new director, new writer and new casts.

They plan to reboot the series from scratch where Peter Parker will be going back to high school. Spiderman 4 will be released in 2012 with the rebooted script to be written by James Vanderbilt.

I wonder who will play as the new Peter Parker. Spiderman series has earned thousands and thousands of dollars in big screen. Let us see then if the rebooted series (without Tobey and the rest of the cast) be able to match up with the earnings of the previous Spiderman series.

Photo snagged from

1 Response to "No More Tobey for Spider-man 4"

  1. Life Moto Says:

    spiderman ia really great movies. we have to ait till then.

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