SATC 2 - 5/28/2010

It is a date on May 28, 2010 as Sex and the City II will be released on this date. I heard they move outside New York and shot some parts of the film in the dessert. The official trailer has been released already but it doesn’t reveal much about the story plot. But from what I read before, some major points (spoilers) of the movie are:

• Big will cheat on Carrie because he was so depressed because his business went down because of the recession that they even have to live with Harry and Charlotte. Big will eventually recover from their financial problem but let’s see if they will be able to patch things up.
• Miranda and Steve will start their own restaurant as Miranda lost her job because she was sued from malpractice.
• Samantha thinks that she sis still in love with Smith (this, I love to see) and she thinks that her cancer has resurfaced.
• I don’t know what’s up for Harry and Charlotte in this movie but they are expecting a baby from SATC I so we might have a peek of their baby in this movie.

I am so excited already. I miss the girls so much and I can’t wait to see them on big screen again.

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