Boo Boo Of Toyota

Look like my husband will need a natural migraine treatment as for sure he will have migraine attacks again after dealing with our contact at Toyota.

Our car has been hit by a delivery van a few months ago which left a big dent and scratch at the passenger side of our car. Thankfully we got insurance so almost all the expenses is covered except for the participation fee that we have to pay. We left the car with them and they said that lead time will be for a minimum of three weeks. After three weeks, we received a call from our contact in Toyota and he was insisting that our back sensor is broken and it has not been working when we brought it in to the shop.

My husband was really surprised as we even used the car before bringing it in and our back sensor is still working. We don’t want to arrive at a conclusion right way but looks like they accidentally damaged the back sensor when they dismantle the car during the painting job.

My dad went to Toyota at their Customer Service department to report the incident as we are 100% sure that our back sensor was in good working condition when we brought it in. After hours of discussion with the customer service agent and after all the technicians, mechanics and supervisor has been interviewed, they agree to replace the back sensor at no fee.

We should have been happy with what they did but lo and behold, after using our car for only two days, the back sensor is not working again. My husband will be bringing the car to Toyota again tomorrow and we hope that everything will be sorted out....eventually.

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