Dreaming of Having My Own

People dream to have their own business, especially Filipinos who are known to be business minded persons. I too aim to have my own business in the future.

But actually I've already started venturing into this but then it is in partnership with my brother. I still want to have my own or probably hubby can be my business partner by then.

And so before we start pursuing this we both know that we still need to work hard for the capital that we will need. This is why hubby and I often work overtime to save enough money to start with our plans. We are also thinking of applying for loans or we can also start investing our money by buying gold bullion since this can be a great source because its value doesn't depreciate as often as any other luxurious things we buy.

We are obviously doing this for our family especially to our kids' future as we always want to give them the best.

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