Manila Ocean Park Musical Fountain Show P50 Promo

Because I am desperate to loose weight, I want to know what is three best dfiet pill on the market today so I don’t have to make a trial and error on which products work.

But before I start doing my research, let me post this great promo from Manila Ocean Park first.

The Manila Ocean Park if offering big discount on entrance fee for one of their newest attraction, the Musical Fountain Show. This show is similar to the Songs of the Sea show in Singapore and they are saying that it is even better. This is the country's first and grandest musical fountain show which includes a display of fire, music, and laser lights.

The entrance fee for this show is Php 300 per head on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays and Php 250 per head on Wednesdays to Fridays. But they are offering this show right now for only P50 entrance fee. All you have to do is register online and wait for the P50 coupon to be sent to you via SMS. Just save this text message and present this at the ticket booth so you only have to pay P50 to watch this great show.

I already registered and received my SMS coupon and we are planning to watch the show with B this weekend.

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