For All Soul’s Day

This coming All Soul’s Day, my in-laws will all be going home to Bicol to visit and pay respect to my mother-in-law. I would have wanted to go to accompany hubby but I don’t want to leave Jacobo behind again. I even don’t have enough breast-milk supply as I can’t express enough milk to leave behind to Jacobo as I am already back to work.

So hubby and I agreed that B, Jacobo and I will not be going with him this time. Hubby will leave on the 31st of October via Air Phil to Legaspi and he will be picked up by his siblings there before they head to their hometown in Sorsogon. Then they will head back to Manila the next day.

I am glad that hubby will just be gone overnight as it is really difficult to be left behind with two kids. But it will be harder if we tag along two kids, one newborn at that, with us going to a remote area so I guess this setup is really much better.

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