Hard Work = Money

A lot of us would think that money is very important. Well I definitely agree with that. Money is one of the motivations of the people to strive and work hard just to save money to sustain their every need and expenses.

I must admit that money motivates me lot especially now that I have 2 kids. My eldest is coming to the big school already, and sooner than later, my baby boy will soon join schools for babies like Gymboree and little gym as well.

So this only means that I'll be needing a lot of money for the expenses. This is the reason why hubby and I are thinking of expanding our investment and try new things like gold coins aside from our current business and real estates. I've learned that gold can be a good asset because of the fact that it's value doesn't cheapen as often as cars and the like.

For now, hubby and I are still discussing about it since this will involve a big amount of money.

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