Kids Love Toys

If you have kids, expect that over time, your house will be overflowing with toys. That is how our house looks like now.

Since B is our first child we were really excited as parents that we bougth lots and lots of toys for B. Every year we also have a party for B and so she will always receive lots of toys as gifts from our relatives and friends. The same is true every Christmas. And now that we have Jacobo, I am sure we will accumulate more toys for him also.

Now that Christmas is coming, we are starting to think now on what gift we want to give to our two kids. I know I sometimes complain that our house is a real mess with all the toys scattered around but I guess kids just love toys and it is really something that they will not get tired of receiving.

So I guess even if we don’t have space in our house for more toys, it will still be our gift for them this Christmas as I love the look in their eyes every time they open a gift with their favourite toys inside.

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