Are you ready for Christmas?

I have accumulated a lot of receipts from different receipt printer from different stores for my Christmas shopping this year. LOL. Unlike last year where I bought all our gifts mostly in just one store, I was able to go around different malls. You see, I am three months pregnant now and before I was advised by my doctor to have a complete bed rest, I was able to go around and shop. But I get tired easily so I usually shop for a few items at a time and then I will shop again the next time we are at the mall (which is usually almost every week).

But in spite of that, I was still not able to finish my Christmas shopping list. I still have a few of my god children and relatives that I haven’t bought gifts yet. I can’t hit the mall because I was advised by my doctor to have a complete bed rest because of my sensitive pregnancy so I have no choice but to just follow the doctor’s advice and stay at home.

But all the gifts have been wrapped already (thanks to the free wrapper that hubby got from Toys R’ Us) so we’re kind of ready for Christmas. LOL. And what is really important for me is that our family is complete to celebrate Christmas together and we have already received the best Christmas present ever, which is a new addition to our family.

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