Listening to Classical Music

When I had my first baby, I started listening to music of Mozart because there have been studies that it is good for the baby’s brain development. I think it really worked for my daughter because she is growing up to be a smart kid. I even consulted a developmental pedia, and he said that my daughter is potentially gifted.

So for our second baby, we will try to do it again. Though our problem is since I am at home and my daughter is busy watching her favorite movie, I can’t turn on our radio to listen to classical music. Hubby suggested that he will buy me one of those ipods and he will just load it with classical music songs and he will buy those ipod speakers so I can plug it also if I am just in my room. The beauty about ipod is it is compact so I can bring it with me everywhere I go.

I better check so I can select the color that I want for my ipod so hubby can buy it and baby and I can start listening to Mozart’s classical music.

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