Ho-Ho-Ho! Merry Christmas!

I was looking for term term life insurance online when I realized that Christmas is only two days away. So what are your plans for Christmas? As for my family, we have no plans to go out of town. Well for one, I am not allowed to go on long travel because as per my doctor’s advice, I have to take a complete bed rest so we will be celebrating Christmas at home with my side of the family.

We usually go to hear Christmas mass on Christmas eve at my former school. Then after mass, we will all gather at my grandmother’s house for our Noche Buena. We only have simple food for Noche Buena but I am excited to taste my grand mother’s specialty which is her spaghetti. Then on Christmas day, we will have our annual family reunion. My aunt ordered food from CCME and we really made sure that we placed our orders early so they can deliver it on Christmas day, otherwise we have to go to their shop in Quezon City (which is what we did last year) to pick up the food. After lunch, we will have our exchange gifts which I am sure all the kids (and the kids at heart) are really waiting for.

We usually go to my in-laws house in the afternoon to celebrate Christmas with them but I am not sure if we will be able to do it this year. One of hubby’s nieces has chickenpox and being pregnant, I can’t take the risk of being exposed to the virus. Even hubby and B can’t go too as they might become carriers of the virus. Hubby and I talked about it briefly last night and looks like, hubby doesn’t want to take the risk also which I am sure my in-laws will perfectly understand.

Christmas is really one of my favorite holidays so I am really excited for it. Two more days and it is Ho-Ho-Ho for Merry Christmas!

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