Buy N’ Sell Secrets

My friend from Chicago is in to buy and sell of cars. He buys old cars and he just sends it for repair and he earns big money after reselling it. You know how he does it?

Well, first he has this real love for cars so he knows what car to look and which car is saleable. Like the Toyota Corolla which he recently purchased. The body and the machine are still ok and the only problem is with the water pump.

Then he will rely on the website of RepairPal to search for Chicago auto repair. He just types in the city or state and a list of auto repair shops in that city or state will be given to him. And once the repair is finish, he can just look for a buyer and sell the almost new car at a very good deal. So it is really a win-win scenario for both my friend and the buyer because my friend earns good money for doing this while giving his seller second hand cars at a very affordable price but still in very good condition.

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