Health Service the Filipinos are getting

A good friend of mine just gave birth last December 28. The bad news is that there was a complication during her delivery which is why she is still at the hospital right now. They also need to get blood donors as she needs blood transfusion as her hemoglobin level is very low (I am not sure if I got the medical terms right). Her baby is still under observation and is being monitored as the baby had a seizure on its second day.

They had been having problems with the needed blood for her transfusion because she was admitted at a public hospital. The rule is, the family has to replace the blood that will be use for the transfusion first before a blood transfusion will be administered to her. My mom helped them looked for blood donors but since it is a holiday, they said that nobody will process the request. We are talking of lives at risk here and this is the answer that they will get from our health officials and I was really shock. Is this the kind of health treatments that we are getting from our public hospitals?

That is why my husband and I really made sure that the health of our family should be our first priority and that is the reason why we have health insurance so we are sure that we are covered for whatever health needs our family will have. I am just checking insurance online since it is the end of the year and we have to renew ours and this should be the first thing that I should take care of as we enter 2010.

I just spoke with my mom and she told me that my friend’s condition is stable right now but she still needs three more bags of blood for her blood transfusion. I am praying that everything will be okay with her and her baby and this will be the best New Year’s gift that their family will ever receive.

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