To Welcome 2010

Yellow will be our color to welcome the New Year. We will have a family reunion again but this time, instead of celebrating it at my grand mother’s house, we will be outside Manila.

The organizing committee (LOL) composed of me, my aunt and my cousin had a meeting yesterday to prepare for the menu for our Noche Buena, the program, and the different activities to keep the whole family busy as we wait for the coming of 2010. We all decided that we will all wear yellow so we will all look nice for our family picture which we failed to do last Christmas because we are all so busy. We don’t know if yellow is the lucky color for 2010 but since majority of us have yellow colored shirts and since we just decided about this yesterday which gives us no time to shop, we all decided that Yellow will be our family’s color.

We have also booked the guest house where we will be staying for the night. We will bring cooked food for our Media Noche but we will just cook there for our breakfast and will have our New Year’s lunch in a restaurant. The guest house have kitchen facilities, kitchen faucets, utensils and kitchen appliances so we can just bring raw foods and cook it there so we can save a little.

The following day, we will leave the guest house around 11 AM for our brunch and then the kids can do other outdoor activities before heading back to Manila. We are all excited as all of us will be present for the reunion so I am sure it will be a blast. What a great way to welcome the New Year!!

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