Earth Hour 2010

Sea level is rising.
Arctic sea ice is melting
Sea-surface temperatures are warming
Heavier rainfall causing great flood and death
El Niño

These are just some of the effects of climate change. Should we just sit down and do nothing until we ran out of time and all we can do is pull our hair until we would need the best hair loss treatment and feel sorry and guilty for not doing anything to save Mother Earth?

Then if you want to do some action to fight climate change, then you might want to participate in this year’s Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a global event organized by World Wide Fund for Nature. The Earth Hour 2010 will be held on Saturday from 8:30 to 9:30 where every home sand businesses are encouraged to turn off their lights and other non-essential electrical appliances for an hour.

So let us all do our share and make a stand to help save our mother earth. Let us all join Earth Hour this coming Saturday.

Picture snagged from Wikipedia

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