New Career In the Beauty Industry

I have a friend who is thinking now of resigning from work because she enjoys her sideline of being makeup artists. He loves his current job and all and he has gain a lot of friends from work already after working here for more than 10 years now. But he feels happier doing his sideline job than his current job. The only thing that is stopping him is that his current job is more stable and during this difficult time of economic crisis, he can’t afford to loose his source of income.

I read about Regency Beauty Institute and I learned that they are really one affordable cosmetology school so I suggested to my friend to enroll in one of Regency’s campuses. By enrolling here, he will get the best training which will guarantee my friend to get a good paying job in the beauty industry after graduating. Regency Beauty institute even set up an online job seeking site where their graduates can search for prospective employers online, coast to coast. Regency also has connections with spa and salon owners so they can really help their students look for jobs after graduating.

My friend got really excited of my news and he already started to check the website of Regency Beauty Institute so he can enroll right away and get the training that he needs to finally get a job in the beauty industry.

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