For Our Soon Dream House

Five years ago, we purchased a house and lot which is owned by a relative. The price was a steal and so hubby and I thought to grab the opportunity and purchase the house.

The house is in very good condition when we bought it. It is also made of durable and high quality materials and so all we need to do is a little renovation and remodeling to incorporate the style that we want for our dream house.

Our housing loan which we used to purchase the lot will soon be finish in just a few months and so hubby is thinking to get another loan for the renovation of the house. We visited the house last weekend to check its condition and hubby was a bit disappointed as he noticed that there has been damages in the furniture and flooring. So hubby made sure that Window tinting Richmond is part of the budget when we do the renovation of our house. It will not only create a nice effect to our windows but at the same time, it will provide good protection too for our furniture and flooring.

I know hubby is really excited to finally put his project for our dream house into reality. But he doesn’t have to wait that long as in just a few months, we can start with the renovation of our soon dream house.

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