Laptop is Sickie

I am thinking of going back to school again to take MBA course. And I was already ready to start looking for gmat prep when my laptop crashed and is not booting up in Windows XP.

My friend recommended to me the site of Knewton where I can enroll for their gmat prep online course. What I like about this is that I can review for the exam even if I am working or even at home since all the courses are online. This means I can have unlimited access to GMAT resources online and with a price that is even cheaper than the traditional test prep. And they have the best and experienced online teachers so I will be sure that I will get nothing but the test preparation for my GMAT.

But first things first. I have to have my laptop fixed first so I can do my online course. Luckily I have a very reliable husband and he was able to boot my laptop in safe mode and he backed up all my files already (which took the whole night because I have tons of files on my laptop). Later he will rebuild my laptop and hopefully I can start with my GMAT prep by tomorrow.

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