Picture Overload

Last February 20 was B’s field trip. B really had a great time visiting the Manila Ocean Park, the Doll Joy Museum, and the yacht ride with her friends and teachers. I know that it will be a very tiring day but I still decided to go with hubby and B on this field trip because I don’t want to miss seeing how much our daughter will enjoy this trip.

Hubby took more than 1000 pictures and thanks to Picasa, I was able to resize them already and uploaded some of it in my Flickr account. But not all of my friends have Flickr so I am trying to upload it to my Facebook account as well but my laptop is really so slow (probably because I downloaded all the pictures in my laptop from hubby’s camera) that I think it is time to upgrade my laptop memory. I already checked buy.com and they have in stock the memory that I need for my laptop and the price is also affordable that I can order it after my credit card’s cu off date. And the memory will even be shipped free of charge so hopefully I will receive it soon so I can start uploading all of the pictures of B in Facebook.

For the meantime, you can check out some of the pictures that I uploaded in Flickr.

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