On Family Planning

I was once asked by a friend regarding family planning. She asked me how many kids do we want to have.

When I gave birth to my first born, she was born with a congenital heart disease. As a first time parent, it really broke my heart upon hearing the bad news from the doctor. I was in tears every night thinking about my daughter’s condition and if only I can do all that I can to protect her. Because of this, I told my husband that I would rather have just one child so we can take care of her and give her all our time and attention.

But God is really good because when our daughter turned two, we got a confirmation from her pediatric cardiologist that her congenital heart disease has now been cured. Her condition is a very common congenital heart disease for newborns where there is a hole in the infant’s heart. If the position of the hole is not dangerous, then there is no need for an operation and in time, it might heal and close on its own. And we are truly blessed because this is what happened with my daughter. We are really happy because now she can live and grow to be a normal child.

So this really changes our mind in our plans regarding the size of the family. Our daughter is the greatest gift that we have ever received. She is our source of joy, our inspiration. And that is why we decided to have more. LOL. (Thank goodness that we have arrived at this realization sooner, long before hubby would be needing levitra. LOL).

We know how expensive it is to raise a child. Of course we want to give them the best – best education, best of life. If only budget is not an issue then we would go for 5 kids. But life is difficult now so hubby and I decided to meet halfway and we are going for three kids. I am currently pregnant with our second kid now. But who knows, in the coming years maybe we will have a change of heart again and will opt to have more than three…

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