Shopping Therapy for Me

Hubby left for a three-week temporary duty out of the country. He has been to this assignment many times already so I should be used to it but I don’t know why for some reason, I am having difficulty coping with the situation now. I have lots of things to do and finish but I can’t seem to start working on it because all I think about is my husband. Could it be my pregnancy hormones? Last night I was crying again because I miss him so badly. I know it is just three weeks and before I know it, he is coming back home again so I can’t understand really why I have to go through all this drama.

I have been staring at the monitor of my PC for hours now but my mind is really not working. I have been so unproductive already this past few days and I am really hoping that I will get pass through this stage as I really need to finish a lot of work.

So what do woman do for therapy? What else but go shopping. LOL. Since I don’t know how to drive and I don’t have a nanny to take care of my four-year old daughter, the best place I can shop is online.

I have been checking out the dresses from Republic and I saw a lot of nice pieces that I would like to have as it is really perfect for summer. They are even having a three-day mega sale event so this is really a perfect time to shop, don’t you think.

I guess this shopping therapy is really working as I feel recharged already. LOL. Hopefully when I am done with my online shopping, I will now have the inspiration to work again as I need the money to pay for the purchases that I will be charging to my credit card. LOL.

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