Anniv Celebration

As I mentioned in my previous blog, my group of friends from high school celebrated our anniversary today and we are planning for a grand anniversary celebration. We met up last Friday to talk about our plans.

We have three options to choose from and two out of the three options are activities where we can bring the kiddies. I can’t believe that we are really growing (well, I did not mean to say that we are growing in weight. LOL. But I think after I give birth, I will really need fat burner to help me get back to my pre-pregnancy weight). What I mean is that our group is really growing in number because majority of us are all married and have kids already so mommies like me can’t help but suggests activities where we can enjoy while we can bring our husband’s and kids too.

They haven’t sent the details yet to all the Lynx members so the voting on which option to choose for our anniversary celebration hasn’t started yet. But as early as now, I am excited already and whatever activity wins, I am sure it will be lots of fun because that’s what Lynx are – fun and crazy.

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