TGIF – I Wish!!

I slept late last night since I want to finish a lot of my pending work but I only lasted until 1 AM. I was really tempted not to get out of bed today as it is a holiday for hubby and my daughter is off from school too because of Chinese New Year.

I woke up around 6 AM and I figured I can still sleep until 6:30 AM since hubby will drive me to work anyways so I don’t have to hurry. When I woke up again, it is already 6:40 AM. Again, I was thinking twice if I should go to work or not. But I figured I have a lot of pending work to do so I better get out of bed and prepare for work. I still have eye bags because of staying up late for three days now. Thank goodness that I have the best eye cream so I don’t look like a zombie in the office today. LOL.

It is Monday once again. Back to work, back to reality. I know it is just the start of the week but I really can’t wait for Friday to come!!

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