Big C

I was once asked by a friend on what my biggest fear is. One of my fears is getting the Big C. I can’t help but fear about cancer because someone close to my heart died of cancer a few years back. And I know a lot of my close friends who knows somebody and who have relatives who died of cancer too so I can’t help but feel paranoid about this deadly disease.

I actually don’t know how I will feel if my doctor tells me that I have malignant Mesothelioma or if someone close to me has Cancer. When I heard of the news that my aunt only has six months to live, I felt really numb, I don’t know what to feel. I was actually in denial and I was wishing that it is all a bad dream and when I wake up, everything will be okay.

But the fact is, cancer should be something that we should be scared of. So what do we do to prevent it? I guess living a healthy lifestyle is the answer and a strong faith in God that there is a reason for everything.

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