I Heart My Iphone

When I was still single, gadget is one of the top things that I spend my money to. I always want the latest and the high-tech gadgets that are out in the market. Even if I my phone is just a few months old, I don’t think twice if I will sell it even at a much depreciated price so I can buy the latest cell phone that is available. But things change when I became a mom. Of course, my priorities for my spending changes and I have to let go of my love for gadgets.

But I think mobile phones are a necessity also and it is one of the things that is very important especially for those with families because it is our line of communication. So when my old and obsolete phone gave up on me, I quickly check the site of Mobile Fun to look for the best mobile phone that I can get because I know it will take years again before I can buy a new phone.

What I like about Mobile Fun is that they have wide selection of mobile phones to choose from. I was choosing between the Nokia E71 and the Apple Iphone and the reviews that I read from Mobile Fun helped me in choosing which phone to buy. And they don’t just sell mobile phones but they also have iphone accessories, SIM, even games and ring tones.

I end up buying two Iphone – one for me and one for my husband. My husband was so happy with my gift for him that he bought an iphone case for our new mobile phones. I must say that I am happy that I bought an Iphone and I think this is something that I can definitely use for years. What I love about it is that it has a lot of cool features. It has wifi capability so I can do mobile Internet. My husband loaded movies and mp3s and I just bought an iphone dock and I can use it to listen to music in the office. I can also use it to play games and Apple has a lot of cool applications that I can easily download and install.

All I can say now is that I am thankful for Mobile Fun because it really is a big help in getting the mobile phone that I am so enjoying right now.

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