
If only I am not pregnant, I would be ordering phentermine diet pill online as I have been really craving for sweets lately.

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I guess since I am already on my second trimester, my appetite has already increased and my diet and preference for food has change. During my first trimester, I still experience morning sickness and I hate eating sweets. If I eat even just one chocolate cookie, I will really feel sick the whole day and I will really feel bloated unlike my first pregnancy where I really crave for sweets starting from the first trimester.

But I guess this is good as I was able to cut down on my sugar intake. During my first pregnancy, my doctor has to monitor my sugar level as I told her that I can consume one bar of chocolate in one sitting so I am happy that I don’t have the same problem now.

I am already passed the first half of my pregnancy and I am really praying that everything will be ok until my full term.

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