Sickies in the house

I have been taking double dose of ascorbic acid everyday to protect me against the cough and cold virus but I guess I am really prone to this virus as I have cough and colds now.

My cough is even worse that I can’t get a decent sleep because of it. Every hour, I will wake up because my throat feels really irritated. I guess because I don’t get to have enough sleep, I am having acne breakouts at the same that if only I am not pregnant, I would have taken vitamin for acne to treat my acne (my sister is taking this acne vitamins and since then, she now has flawless, smooth skin).

I haven’t taken any medications though for my cough and colds. I am just trying to have water and vitamin C therapy as I am really trying to avoid antibiotics because I am pregnant. I hope that soon this will go away as it is really difficult to get some decent sleep with my size (my tummy is so big now) and it really doesn’t help that I have to wake up every hour because of my cough.

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