Lesson Learned

Everything is gone! Yes, all my important files are gone because my 320 GB external hard disk suddenly just stops working. I was still able to use it the other week and I even loaded it with the new movie series that I downloaded. It is place inside my bag which I accidentally dropped and when I tried plugging it to my PC, it can no longer be detected. The only consolation that I have is that at least our collection of pictures which we have accumulated through the years is safe because hubby was able to burn it to DVD.

I have been hearing about online backup and how important it is to have one but I never really paid too much attention to it until now. Now I realize if only I have an online backup, no matter what happens to the hardware of my PC or to my external devices, I need not worry since I can easily recover all my files from my online backup. What is good about this service also is that I can even set it to automatically do the backup so even if I forgot to do it because of my busy schedule, my files will still be backed up automatically.

I guess I should just charge this to experience and I better read reviews now of online backup and subscribe to this service immediately.

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