Biggest Fear

What is your biggest fear? If you will ask me, my greatest fear is that I will leave my family especially my kids and I won’t be there to guide them and make sure that they are in good and stable condition.

I have an aunt who died from cancer at a very young age and she left her two kids and one of them is still going to school. Good thing our relatives and friends all contributed to send his youngest son to school so he can finish college. Now, both her kids were able to finish college and both have good jobs also.

I know I will always have that fear in me since I am a mother too. So to have peace of mind, I made sure that I have a life insurance policy so I will be sure that my children will be covered no matter what happen to me and my husband.

No parents would ever want anything to happen to their kids. And if only I can stay as long as I want here on earth so I will forever be with my kids to watch and guide them but that is not possible, so I guess being insured is one way to secure my children’s future.

1 Response to "Biggest Fear"

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