
Things are a little crazy at home right now because of some changes that I think I will need the top wrinkle cream so I won't look harassed. We used to eat at my grand mother’s house as what we have been accustomed to do for more than a decade now. All of my mom’s siblings with their kids all gather at my grand mother’s house at lunch and dinner time and that is our bonding time together.

But since my grand mother is not getting any younger now, she requested that we just eat at our own house. Since then, my family (mom, dad, sister, brother and his wife) are now eating at our house. Now I need to look for a stay out maid so they can attend to my family because I don’t think my yaya will be happy with this new setup and she might leave us if I don’t find a stay out maid soon. And since I will be giving birth in a month, I need to find a second yaya also.

Just thinking about it makes me all stressed out already. Hope everything will finally be resolved soon.

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