SATC 2: Showing June 2

June 2 is the date that I have been waiting for a long time. No, no, I am not giving birth yet on that date nor it is the birthday of someone special but is the showing day of my much awaited movie for this year, Sex and the City 2.

I miss the girls, I miss New York, I miss their fashionable life. They still look fab and pretty even if they are already in their 40s. (I wonder if I will be like them if I reach their age. I bet I will need all the treatments and pills like acnepril to keep me acne and wrinkle free. LOL).

I still can’t get over my excitement after seeing the trailer especially after seeing Aidan again. He is actually the one that I like Carrie to end up with instead of Big. And seeing him again in this movie makes this movie more exciting for me.

My girl friends will be watching the movie on June 5th actually but sadly I can’t join them. So I wish I can go on a movie date this week with hubby to watch SATC. I better check if I can buy tickets for the showing on June 2. I don’t think I can wait until next week to watch this movie.

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