More Shopping for Baby Boy

I can now imagine the sound of tm-t88iv POS printer as I am already planning my trip to Baby & Co at Rockwell to shop for more things for baby boy. We were there last week and I was able to look around and list some things that we still need to buy for baby boy. I did not buy anything when we were there as hubby still needs to check the size of the crib that we will be using so we can buy the right size of linens for the crib. B is so excited too shopping around and she also has her own list for the things that she wants to buy for her baby brother.

As for my list, I try to limit it only to the essentials as I don’t want to overspend again. Here are a few items that we still need to buy:

• Linens for the crib
• Mobile for the crib
• Bath Tub
• Plastic containers where we can put the bottles
• Toiletries and new born diapers

I am not sure if we can do this next week but I hope we still have time to shop before I finally pop.

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