How to Maintain Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass is a popular turf grass used widely for lawns, especially in warm dry climates. This grass is native to the dry plains of the Midwest and southwest. In fact, it is the only turf grass widely used that is native to the North American continent. Fossils found in Kansas have revealed that species of this grass have been around for more than 7 million years. That is a long time for grass to survive. No wonder it has become so popular for commercial and private landscaping.

This type of grass is so popular because it takes very little maintenance. You might be surprised to find out that the greatest threat to the well-being of your buffalo lawn is over maintenance. You don't want to take care of your lawn too well, or you might end of damaging it! If your lawn is established, you will want to fertilize it maybe twice during the summer months with a nitrogen-based fertilizer. You won't have to worry about constantly fertilizing your lawn.

In order to irrigate or water your lawn, you will want to be aware that this kind of grass is extremely drought resistant and does well in dry climates. If it goes for an extended amount of time without water, it will go dormant until it receives moisture again. Going dormant will cause the grass to lose its color, however, so in order to keep your grass as green as can be, water it regularly. Don't overwater, though, because giving your lawn too much water will create weed competition and can even make the grass more prone to disease. This grass also does better in full sunny areas, although it will still establish itself well in areas that receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight every day.

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