Preparations for Baby Boy

I am already on my 8th month of pregnancy which means I only have a month left before we can finally see our baby boy in person. But this also means that we only have a month left to prepare for our baby boy’s coming.

Hubby and I decided that we will clean up our second room (which is bigger compared to the room that we are occupying right now) and we will move there so there will be enough space for the four of us. It is a busy month for us as our weekends are always booked so up until now, we haven’t started our clean up yet. But here are a list of things that we need to do and we need to purchase so we can fix our second room and we can move in there when baby boy arrives:

• Remove all the mess that is currently stored in that room. Right now it looks like a storage room because all the stuff that we are not using are stored there. Hubby’s toy collection also sits in that room so he has to find a place where he can move his toys.
• Buy cabinets for hubby and baby, carpet, door mats, and if budget permits a new aircon as the aircon that we have in our current room is a bit small which we think is not enough to cool down the much bigger second room where we want to move.
• Hire an electrician to move the wiring for the aircon, our Internet connection and our cable TV connection.
• Declutter and learn to let go and throw away some stuffs that we no longer use.

I am starting feel the pressure and stress already. Hubby will be out again this weekend for their company’s team building exercise so he will not be able to work on this project again, but I am really hoping that we can accomplish this before I give birth so we are all set when baby boy arrives.

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