Our Itinerary For This Weekend

Looks like it will be a busy weekend again for us.

On Saturday, our Itinerary includes:

• Going to my OB for my check up. I was supposed to visit my doctor last Saturday but it is the funeral of my grand father so I skipped my appointment and will just have my check up this coming Saturday.
• Since hubby’s doctor is in the same clinic as my OB, he will go back for his check up too. This reminds me that I should ask his doctor about apidexin as I was thinking to recommend it to hubby to help him loose weight which is what his doctor recommends.
• After our checkups, we will go to Yamaha for our daughter’s drum lessons.
• We might go to the mall after her lessons or just go home first to rest before attending the anticipated mass at St Jude at 6 PM.

For Sunday, hubby will be covering a birthday party so B and I will just be stuck at home. But I still have a lot of pending jobs to do so I might use this time to work and spend some quality time with my dear princess.

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