SATC 2 and some Movie News

When hubby and I were still single, we love going to movies. We are always updated with what is the latest movie being shown on big screen and we can almost always watch all the good movies being shown every month.

But ever since we became parents, we both would love to go home to spend some quality time with our daughter than go out and watch a movie. All our activities should be child friendly because we always want our daughter to tag along with us if ever we are going out. And watching movies on big screen is something that our four year old daughter doesn’t enjoy doing, so we always end up not being able to watch the movies that we like.

Thankfully they always release DVD copies of the latest movies in less than a month so at least we can catch up in watching our favorite movies. Thank you too because there are online sites where we can read about latest Movie News so we are not that too far behind every time our friends talk about the movies that they just recently watch.

And speaking about the latest movies, Sex and The City 2 will be coming to big screen this coming June 2. I have seen the latest trailer of the movie and I can’t help but feel really excited to see the girls back together again. I am an avid Sex and the City fan and I have watched every episode for all the seasons including the Sex and the City movie. So I was one of those excited fans when they announced that they are doing a sequel of the movie. I saw from the trailer that Aidan’s (one of Carrie’s ex) character will be present in the movie so I can’t help but wonder how will the story goes since Carrie is already married to Big. This movie looks interesting too as they went outside New York (movie was shot in Morocco) so I can’t wait to see the adventures that the three girls will be having this time. I really hope that I will find the time to catch this movie on big screen.

1 Response to "SATC 2 and some Movie News"

  1. Badet Siazon Says:

    I'm excited for the SATC 2 movie as well!

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