Our 2010

Partly, 2010 has been a very great year for us. Things would have been perfect with the arrival of our dear Jacobo but then we are deeply saddened by the passing away of my husband’s mom.

But we know that God has a reason for everything and there are still a lot of things to be thankful for 2010:

• I have a very responsible and caring husband who always put his family at the top of his priority.
• I have my B and Jacobo who is our source of joy, happiness and inspiration.
• I have my loving and supportive family who is always there by our side to support us. And most especially my mom, who tirelessly takes care of Jacobo while I and my husband goes to work. (That is why I am constantly teasing her that she can easily get jobs in health care industry as she takes care of Jacobo, my B and my brother’s daughter with no sweat).
• I have a job that helps us pay the bills and allow us to enjoy life with travel, shopping, etc.
• I have great friends, online and offline, who is always there for me all the time as my sounding board, my shopping buddies, my chat mates, my support system, etc.
• Good health for my whole family.
• My new bags that I added to my collection. LOL.
• Extra work that I allow my family to splurge a bit.

I know this list will be endless. I am happy and thankful for all the blessings that we received for this year and we hope that we will have the same kind of happiness, love, and success for 2011.

Happy New Year!!

My Major Boo Boo

Last Monday, we went to Greenhills as hubby needs to look from the toy store there as he is looking for the last piece that will complete his toy collection. Since it is still a holiday, the mall is still very crowded that as soon as hubby is done with his shopping, we left the mall even if we wanted to have snacks first as we are all very hungry. So we just used the Mc Donalds Drive Thru to order for food and we just ate in the car.

Jacobo saw us eating and he started to grab our food and so I gave him one small piece of French fries. But to my surprise, he started coughing and I thought that he is choking that I passed him to hubby and I quickly panic (No wonder I can’t be in the medical field and draw blood and push poc carts as I am really bad when dealing with an emergency situations).

Thankfully, Jacobo is just okay and he just needs to spit out the milk that he consumed (and this is normal for him). But I swear, I will never ever give him a bite of my French fries again as it almost killed me in fear when I saw him like that. LOL.

Online Business??

2011 will be a very challenging year for my family as we will start paying our housing loan for the new property that we purchase by mid of the year. I have been doing some computations and it looks like my husband and I will really have to work overtime if we want to make both ends meet.

We know that this will be a great challenge for us but I know that with hard work, we know that our family can make it. One of my plans to help my husband pay our loan is by doing extra work. I have been searching the net and maybe it was destiny that led me to the site of Beads and Findings, an online bead store.

I love shopping online and so it gave me an idea to make jewelries made from glass beads and I can sell it online. I checked the site of Beads and Findings and saw the different creations made by their customers and so it gave me inspirations on the different products that I can make for my online store. I am not just limited to making jewelries but I can also make pouches, bags, cell phone holder, and many more by just using the high quality and very beautiful loose beads of Beads and Findings.

So wish me luck and hope that this business will be successful so I can help my husband pay for our loan for our dream house.

Shopping for Hubby

My husband will be attending the baptism of the daughter of one of his colleagues and of course, I am the one who should look for child baptism gifts.

Well you know men (well at least for my husband), they are really not good with shopping and so I would rather do it myself or else he might just buy NBA or NFL action figure or Manny Pacquiao souvenir for the baby. LOL.

Just look at this cute gift ideas that I found:

They are so cute that I am planning to get one for Jacobo too.

Artscow Promos: 20"x30" Posters, 7"x5" Album, 2011 Photo Calendar

It has been a while since I last posted about Artscow promos here. So sorry because I have been very busy lately. But here is a list of some new promos from Artscow:

1. Two 20"x30" Posters
For only $18, you can get to order two 20”x30” posters and it even comes with free shipping. To avail of this promo, just use the promo code below:

Coupon Code: 2POSTERS18
Expiry Date: December 31, 2010

2. 7” x 5” Photo Book
I am sure you will accumulate lots of pictures in the coming Holiday season and this promo is just perfect to have those pictures printed in a photo book. You can order you photo book for only $5.99 with free shipping.

To avail of this promo, just use the promo code below:

Coupon Code: 7X5NEWBOOK
Expiry Date: January 5, 2011

3. New 2011 Photo Calendars
With the coming of 2011, this promo from Artscow will be perfect to create those unique customized photo calendars for only $8.99.

To avail of this promo, just use the promo code below:

Coupon Code: 899CALS2011
Expiry Date: December 22, 2010

My Passport Picture

I think I really need to start reading proactive reviews as I really need to find the best solution for my acne. We went to DFA yesterday to apply for passport renewal and since they take pictures for the passport on the spot, I have no choice but to have my picture taken with acne, eye bags and all. The clerk who is taking my picture even noticed it and has to tell it to my face how bad my picture was. That is why I did not even requested for a re-take as the clerk might just tease me and for sure there is really nothing that I can do to make my acne disappear.

I was complaining to my husband but of course he always has the nicest things to say and he told me that the picture is not important and I should just look forward instead to the travels and adventures that our family will be having in 2011.

TARA Season 4


I was not able to watch religiously the Amazing Race Asia Season 4 as I don’t get to watch television at night but I heard that the Philippine team won. So the first thing I did after learning that was download the full season 4 of the Amazing Race Asia.

I am actually on the ninth episode now and it is getting intense and exciting as the two Philippine teams are among the top contending teams. One of my favorite is the episode where the pit stop is a cruise ship as I get to have a preview of what it is like in a cruise. This makes me really dream of joining a Caribbean cruise someday.

My husband and I loves to travel and that is the reason why I love this show as it is like I can get to see different places around the world. And sometimes it is nice to see on the show the places that my husband and I have been to before.

I am sure I will not be able to endure the stress and pressure of the Amazing Race so I will just be on the back seat and just enjoy watching the teams as they race to the finish. Go Team Philippines!!


Tomorrow would have been the annual Christmas party of my SK friends at our house but unfortunately we have to reschedule it as majority of us won’t be able to make it because of previous engagements.

Too bad as I really wanted to meet up with my SK friends and their kids before Christmas. But at least this will give us more time to prepare our house like clean up for a bit and install lighting fixtures for home and to put up our Christmas tree too so our house will be more presentable as we host the party.

Next weekend will still be a busy week for all of us so I am assuming that this will be a post-Christmas party instead. I do hope that it will still push through though as I really miss them so much as it has been a while since we last saw each other.

Just look at our picture from last year’s party:

I miss these guys. Hope to see them all soon.

Recipe Sharing: Pine-filled Meringue

It is beginning to look like Christmas. For us Filipinos, Christmas will not be complete without the Christmas carols, the Christmas decorations that you can see everywhere, and most especially, Christmas won’t be complete without good food serve at Noche Buena.

So here is one dessert recipe that you can try to serve to your family during the festive holiday season.

Pine-filled Meringue

1 can (439 g) DEL MONTE Crushed Pineapple, drained (reserve syrup)
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup pineapple syrup
1 tsp baking powder
1-1/2 cups white sugar
3 pc egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


1. PREHEAT oven at 275ºF. Grease jelly roll pan. Set aside.
2. FILLING: Combine all ingredients. Cook until dry. Set aside.
3. MERINGUE: Combine baking powder and sugar. Set aside. Beat egg whites. Add sugar mixture gradually. Stir in vanilla. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Put in pastry bag and pipe into pan with a hollow space at the middle. Spoon each meringue with one teaspoon filling . Bake for 20 minutes or until dry. Cool on wire rack. If desired, garnish with red kaong or cherries.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

My daughter has a new favorite movie now. It is her favorite as she watches it everyday, sometimes even more than twice a day. It is the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.

Well I can’t blame my daughter as the movie is indeed good. It has a good mix of characters from the 243 year old Mr. Magorium who owns the magical store. Then the store manager Molly Mahoney who they say has a great potential as a pianist when she was a kid but now she feels that she is stuck in life as she has been working in the toy store for ages already. And then there is Eric who has a hat collection (and I bet a Stetson Hat is part of that collection) and he is a shy boy but loves interacting with grown ups.

The peak of the story is when Mr. Magorium suddenly announces that he has to leave and has to leave the toy store to Molly. This part of the story is very sad. Even B will start to cry when it is time for Mr. Magorium to leave.

But all ends well when Molly discovered the reason why Mr. Magorium left the store to her. It is because, if she only believes, she has the power to make magic too.

Try to watch this movie. It is one of those feel good and light movie that you can enjoy watching after a busy and tiring week.

Picture snagged from wikimedia.org.

Manny Pacquiao: My Husband's Idol

As I mentioned in my previous entry, we went to Rocwell last night for some quick shopping. We were already on our way to eat dinner when hubby saw a store which sells Manny Pacquiao action figures. Of course hubby got interested again as he is one big fan of Pacman. Who wouldn’t? Even I was impressed by Manny.

I watched his last match with Margarito and I was really proud of how a good boxer Manny is. I was even scared at first because Margarito is definitely bigger than Manny but he was still no match to Manny. I got even worried during the last few rounds as Margarito was all beaten up already and I even wished that he knows about Allsup so he can get help from them in getting his social security benefits. Even Manny got worried too as Manny kept on looking at the referee and is waiting for the referee to end the game already.

But credit has to be given to Margarito too as he himself doesn’t want to end the fight and he wants to finish it till the end. But Manny is really a great boxer and I guess even a big guy like Margarito is still no match for Manny.

Christmas Shopping

I can’t believe that it is just less than three weeks away before Christmas and I just started with my Christmas shopping last weekend. I checked off some names from my list but I tell you, the names that I checked are not even close to half.

So far, I did some shopping already for:

• My dad and bought him Lacoste polo shirts. We went to Rockwell last night so to makes things easy (as he is really picky when it comes to clothes), I asked him to personally pick that shirt that he likes and I bought it as our Christmas gift for him.
• My mom and bought her a nice dress from Dorothy Perkins.
• My sister when we went to Paseo de Sta Rosa last Sunday and I bought her Havaianas slippers.
• And my cousin Aliah where I got her a Havaianas slipper too.

So far I have some idea already on what t give my other relatives like I just have to look for cigars stores online where I can buy our gift for my brother-in-law and I am thinking of getting day pass tickets at Ocean Park as our gift for hubby’s nephews.

We have the time this Saturday while waiting for B’s ballet practice to finish to do some shopping at Robinsons. Hopefully I can finish shopping for B’s classmates, teachers and my mommy friends from B’s school.

Recipe Sharing: Pata Asado

You want to try something new? Then try cooking this Pata Asado, a recipe from Del Monte Kitchenomics.


1 tablespoon minced garlic
½ cup chopped onions
1 piece laurel leaf
¼ teaspoon whole peppercorns
1 piece star anise
1/8 teaspoon 5 spice powder
1 kilo pork pata (front) cut into serving portions
3 tablespoon oyster sauce
¼ cp soy sauce
¼ cup rice wine
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 pouches Del Monte Pineapple Tidbits

1. Sautee the first six ingredients in 2 tablespoon oil. Add pata and sauté until lightly brown.
2. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar and 3 cups water. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until pata is fork-tender.
3. Add Del Monte Pineapple Tidbits with syrup. Simmer for 8 more minutes.

Makes 8 servings.

Busy Week Ahead

Looks like I will need hgh supplement to boost my immune system as we will yet have another busy and hectic week:

- Friday, will be the Christmas party at hubby’s office so after work, I will run there to meet hubby, B and Jacobo to attend the party
- On Saturday, we will accompany B for their school fair
- Sunday will be B’s PE demo in school and after the program, we will run to Ortigas to attend the Christening of my niece, Izzie.
- Then Monday, it is time to go back to work again and for sure my hands will be full as one of my colleague is on leave while my other colleague will be on training. My to-do list is already very long and the week hasn’t even started yet, so good luck really for me.

I hope I survive the weekend and the coming week without getting sick.

Sealed Deal

Hubby was busy last night using the scanning software to scan all our financial documents as he will be going to the bank today to file for a housing loan so we can purchase the property that we are eyeing near our house. This will be our future home.

Hubby already gave the seller earnest money so in a way we already sealed the deal. We are positive that we will get approved as we have a good credit standing with the bank as we have filed two housing loans and one car loan with them already and we always pay on time and in full.

The processing of the housing loan application will take around a week and so I am really excited and anxious to find out the result of our application as this is where the fulfilment of having our dream house lies.

Please wish us luck and help us pray that we will finally get good news from the bank next week.

On Training

I am on training for the whole week this week and looks like I will need phentermine diet pills after this week so I can loose weight before Christmas (to prepare for another round of pigging out. LOL). Who will not gain weight if I eat three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks) and all I do all day is just sit down and listen to our instructor.

Just like yesterday, they served rice, sausage and egg for breakfast then chicken, rice, corn muffin, and mashed potato for lunch and pasta for our PM snack. Carbo overload right?

I just checked my weight last week and I will still need to loose nine pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I am sure after this week, I will need to loose a whole lot more.

Del Monte Kitchenomics’ Culinary Program for December 2010

Merry Christmas!! I can’t believe it is December only and in just a few days, it is Christmas!!

But before you get busy with the holiday soon, why not try to learn how to cook with the help of Del Monte Kitchenomics and maybe you can even use what you will learn from them to cook something special for Christmas and New Year.

Here is a list of Del Monte Kitchenomics’ Culinary Program for December 2010:

1. On the House: Leftover Makeover
This course is free and will teach participants how to turn leftovers to appetizing entrees.
Class schedule: December 2 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Dishes that will be taught during class: Chicken Surprise, Pasta Pospas, Beefy Topping

2. Potluck Treats
Course Fee is P2,600 and will teach participants dishes that they can cook for potluck for the coming holiday parties.
Class schedule: December 4 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Dishes that will be taught during class: Bruschetta , Meatloaf , No Bake Spareribs BBQ, Lasagna , Carrot Cake

3. Food Gifts
Course Fee is P2,600 and will teach participants to make great food gifts perfect for gift giving this holiday season.
Class schedule: December 11 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Dishes that will be taught: Chicken Embutido, Spicy Bangus Sardines, Mushroom and Pineapple Paté, Ube Bake Special, Pandan Salad Supreme

4. Desserts Galore
Course fee is P 2,800 and participants will be taught how to make sumptuous desserts like chocolate cake and cheesecake.
Class schedule: December 18 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

My Kind of Vacation

My good friend Peachy just got back from their three-day vacation in Shangri-la Cebu and I can’t help but feel jealous as she was just raving at how much fun they had. They are frequent visitors of this resort and they just love the place as it is family friendly and secluded that you will really have a very relaxing time during your entire stay. Imagine just lounging in your room facing the beach with the sound of the bamboo wind chimes as your back ground or just watching your kids make sand castles while you have a relaxing massage by the beach. This is my kind of vacation. Just look at some of the pictures taken by my friend during their stay:

But aside from the wind chimes and the massage, there are really a lot of things that they want about this resort that keeps them coming back. One is the good service of the hotel staff that you will really feel pampered as they almost do everything for you so all that is left to do is just relax and have fun. Second is that they have great facilities. The hotel is a five-star hotel so the place is really clean and well maintained. Plus they have infinity pool and an indoor play ground and game zone for kids. The food is also great and there are a number of restaurants in the resort that you can choose from for a variety.

We are set to go there this coming March 2011. I know it is still months away but after seeing the pictures of my friend in their recent visit there, I can now hear the sound of their garden bell and I can already imagine myself getting my tan while my kids and my husband enjoys the beach.

Getting Ready for Black Friday

Please, please Tory Burch please hear our petition and hope you will have big discounts this coming Black Friday sale as I really wanted to buy a Jelly Reva flats.

The same goes for Apple as we all want to have an iPad. LOL.

Oh well, if they will not offer any discounts, for sure Buy.com will and here are some of the items that I am eyeing to buy:

The Vtech V.Reader for B
Prop 'N Play Discovery Gym and Playmat for Jacobo
And an LCD TV for me and my husband.
I have to do some window shopping also before the Black Friday sale so I can make a list as I am planning to do my Christmas shopping also for all my relatives and friends during the sale so I can save a lot. I really have to be systematic and organize so I can finish all that is on my list.

Any gift suggestions?

Brave and Wise Move

I have a friend who has started with gold investment and is convincing me to do the same. She told me that it is by far the best financial decision that she and her husband has made because they are completely confident with this investment. She told me that they feel this way as they know that it is very safe and secure to invest in gold as its value does not depreciate over time and might even appreciate in the future. It is also not a problem to convert it to cash as it is universally accepted. Its storage is not a problem too as it requires only little space and can also be safely stored in a safety deposit box even just at home.

My friend shared with me the website of United States Gold Bureau so I can read more articles about gold investment and I got really convinced that it is time for us also to start with gold investment and we can buy gold bullion. Even if I am a first timer in gold investment, I need not worry as the hard asset professionals of United States Gold Bureau can help us get started.

I am sure this is a very brave but wise move for us.

I Heart my NetBook

I am so happy with my HP Net Book. Hubby bought this for me as a present and I really love it and is very useful for me. Since it is so compact, I can bring it with me every where I go. This is very important as I am a very busy and mobile person. At least now, I can bring my net book to B’s class as I wait for her to finish so I can do some work while waiting.

I have been really putting this net book to good use and it has been my companion for my daily work. That is why I am also planning to buy spare hp batteries just to be sure that I have a back up in case my battery dies.

At first, I got a little distracted by its small screen compared to the 17” that I use before but then after using it for a while, I got really used to it and now I can really appreciate its compactness.

I will be out the whole day again today and my net book is definitely coming with me so I can squeeze in a little work while I do my mommy duties for B and Jacobo.

Cebu Pacific Seat Sale: Thailand


Are you planning a trip to Bangkok and go crazy shopping there? Well if you do, then Cebu Pacific’s latest promo is just the right one for you. The seat sale will be until November 22, 2010 or until seats last and is valid for travel from January 1 to March 31, 2011.

The Clark to Bangkok route is available for only P1,499 ‘Go Lite’ seat sale fares while flights from Manila to Bangkok is available for only of P1,999 ‘Go Lite’ fares.

Aside from their Bangkok seat sale, they are also offering seat sale for their domestic routes. Avail of their P399 ‘Go Lite’ seat sale from Manila to Cauayan, Laoag, Legazpi, Naga, San Jose and Tuguegarao. The P399 ‘Go Lite’ seat sale is also available for their Davao to Cagayan de Oro flight.

And for more good news, Cebu Pacific will be increasing their Manila-Bangkok flights to 10 times weekly starting early 2011. Their four times weekly Manila-San Jose flights will also be upgraded from a 72-seater ATR 72-500 to a 156-seater Airbus A319. So this means more travelling for us!!

Only Hope

I was browsing the net during lunch break passing for time when I chanced upon an article about Mesothelioma. I read it and learned that it is a terrible form of cancer which is caused by exposure to asbestos.

I am sure my heart will be devastated if I or any of my love ones will be diagnose with this disease that is why I always include in my prayers the health of my family. But for those victims of this disease, I guess acceptance (which I am sure will take time) is the only thing that they can do and find the best Houston asbestos lawyer like Heard Robins Cloud & Black who can help them get a fair and just settlement.

The lawyers of Heard Robins Cloud & Black have been helping victims of this disease for 17 years already so they already know the ins and out on how to successfully get a settlement. I know cancer is a type of disease that is difficult or often times impossible to cure. At least if the victims can get a just claim and settlement, they will have the money to support the hospital bills to help them survive this disease.


I think I committed gluttony last Sunday that I will surely need hoodia diet pills to help me loose those extra pounds that I gained just for that day alone.

I had breakfast buffet at Dad’s restaurant as it is part of their Ultimate Buffet package which they offered to those who will watch the Pacquiao – Margarito fight at Dad’s. I had rice, tapa, fried fish with salted egg and tomato so I am sure you can just imagine how much rice I consumed just for breakfast as fried rice really goes well with the viands that they served.

Then at 11 AM, they served the lunch buffet and so I had ebi tempura, roast beef, and a whole lot of Filipino dishes plus another cup of rice and then I had mango crepe with chocolate ice cream for dessert.

After the fight, we attended the birthday party of Migo and Sam where I had buffet dinner also.

Now I am so scared to hit the weighing scale to determine my weight.

SM's Thanksgiving Day Sale

All my friends are anticipating November 25 and November 26 as we can’t wait to find out what stores will be on sale during Thanksgiving day and Black Friday. Some of us even have a list already of the things that we want to buy during those sale dates. As for me, I am only eyeing for my first Tory Burch Reva flats so I am really hoping that Tory Burch will offer amazing discounts on Thanksgiving and Black Friday Sale.

But there is one store that I am sure will have a Thanksgiving Sale and it is SM. I just got an email in my Inbox today for their announcement about the sal. All of the items will be on sale on November 25, 2010 and this is exclusive for SM Advantage, SM Prestige and BDO Rewards member.

Too bad I have work that day so I am sure I will not be able to check this sale out. I guess my last hope to get discounts is the online sale that I am expecting next week.

Fashion Statement in the Medical Field

Fashion is really an ever changing world. And would you believe that even in medical field, fashion now exists? Gone are the days when medical staffs are limited to the plain white uniforms that are available from medical uniform shop. Now they can get to choose from different colors of scrubs and they even come in different styles and designs too.

Thanks to Blue Sky Scrubs which offers different colors and styles for women and mens nursing scrubs. Their nursing scrubs comes in many colors so those in the medical field, like the nurses, are no longer limited to just only the plain white uniform that nurses used to wear back then. Blue Sky Scrubs now even has katherine heigl scrubs on sale which can be customized. Clients can choose the inseam length and even the color and pocket placement which gives nurses more flexibility and options with the design and style of their uniforms.

So who will say now that nurses and others who are in the medical field can’t be fashionable?


Last night, my brother called up my mom and is asking for my parents to take him to the doctor as he was not able to sleep the entire night because of extreme stomach pain. He took a medicine for stomach pain already but it did not took away the extreme pain that he is feeling. He even attempted to try to take over the counter sleep aids so he can just fall asleep and just sleep the pain away.

And so when he can no longer take the pain already, he asked my mom to bring her to the doctor this morning. Thankfully, all his laboratory exams are normal and the doctor did not see anything wrong with his intestine. The doctor just gave him take home medicines to help ease the pain.

I guess he felt really much better because he was able to go to work today. We are really thankful that it is really nothing serious and it is just probably stress that is causing his stomach pain and we continue to hope that his condition will continue to get better (he better be because we are set to watch the Pacquiao-Margarito fight later and he will miss half of his life if he will not be able to watch this match. LOL).

Our Reunion

I had a great day today, for I have seen my friends way back in high school. Most of us are now professionals, some put up a business of their own, but one chum of us caught our attention. He said that he had invested on bullion and we were all like, what is that? So he started explaining it to us and we were all amazed that such business exists.

He also added that he's earning a lot from it. We are all ears to him trying to catch some advices about this biz. Most of us asked how to do it and where can we get one. He asked for our contact numbers and told us that he will call us when he is free but for now, just enjoy the presence of each other and talk about the business some other time.

We all agreed and start the party. It's almost three o'clock when we call it a day but before we go on our separate ways, we reminded our dear friend to give us a ring and the instruction.

The Finale

Today is the last episode of the series that I love, entitled "Magkaribal". Ever since it was aired, I already liked the story and I bet fashionistas like me felt the same way too. I just love all the dress that Victoria wears. Most of them are high-end brands such as Gucci, Balenciaga, D & G to name a few. In addition, Victoria, one of the main characters of the story, also loves bags like me and I saw her with LV, Hermes and Chanel.

How I wish I can lay my hands on those bags. But enough of that, I’m just a bit sad because my favorite TV series has finally ended. I know most people will surely miss the talks of Vera, Victoria and Gelai. I really like the story so I’m looking forward to another TV series like this.

Congratulations to My Friend

This coming January 11, my good friend Jeff will say I do to her long time girl friend. Finally!! He is the last bachelor in our group so we are all excited when he finally told us the good news that he is getting married.

I was even teasing her fiancée back then and was asking her if she really accepted Jeff’s proposal and if she is really sure with her answer. LOL. Well of course who can say no to cubic zirconia engagement rings? But I know it is not just about the ring as I know how true their love is for each other.

I think everything is almost set. They already booked all their wedding suppliers and my daughter is scheduled for her fitting for her gown as she is one of the flower girls this weekend.

I am really happy for my friend. Congratulations in advance to Jeff and Abe.

Future Investment

Last night, I thought about the future of my children. Though my hubby and I have a stable job, we still can't assure that we can give them everything they need; clothes, shelter, food, good school to go to and alike.

So, I tried to ask a good old buddy of mine if she knows a business, with a small capital and can earn a lot, where I can invest. She recommended that I could buy gold coins, since gold never decrease in price and has a high value. In fact, many people now are into this business and earning handsomely, she added.

Now, hubby and I are talking about it and thinking about this opportunity. For me, this is our chance to secure the future of our little angels, to give them the best things in this life; let them feel that we really love them so much. I just hope that he will consider it.


Many countries now are issuing a travel advisory against Philippines because of the terrorist threats and there are rumors that different part of the Metro Manila will be bomb. Guess we can't blame them about it.

Now, our government says that the threat was just a lie but more evidences are leaking out that there are really threats on our securities. I hope it was just a gossip. Who would want this to happen right?

Now, my mom keeps on telling us to avoid going out because of the obvious reason. So we just have to stay at home for the time being until the terrorist threats are cleared. Bet we can still have a good time even though we are just in our simple abode.

Here Comes The Big Fan

This November, Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao will have a fight against a Mexican boxer named Margarito. I know that my hubby is excited about it for he is a big fan of pacman.
Evidences for it are his MP bag with Pacquiao's signature; which he uses with pride and some shirts.

He never misses to watch the match of Pacman, in fact he goes in the movie house or even subscribe for a paper view bars. He patiently downloads videos covering the fight of his idol.

Every time he had a chance, he makes sure that he will drop by at Pacquaio's Store and buy something or just have a word with the caretaker of the store; asking things about the future plans of Pacquiao and stuffs alike. He is now planning to buy a new shirt to wear when he watch the game this November and he’s starting to call some of his contacts to reserve a ticket for him.

So I guess by now, you’ll have an idea how an avid fan my hubby is.

The Solution

I remember during my childhood days, I'm scared to go out and play under the heat of the sun. It's not like I'm totally scared of what's happening around me but I'm worried that I might get lice because of the strong heat of the sun.

This is actually evident during summer especially to the kids. My mom always reminds me to be extra clean everyday so I can avoid cases like this. The truth is, lice can be a bit hard to cure as it can be transferred from one person to another easily. But good thing, there is Houston lice treatment which gives services that are proven safe and effective.

In addition to that, their treatments are free from chemical products that can harm our body. And also, they can visit you to your place for check up and for the process of treatment that you have to undergo.

How I wish that they were already available during my time so I won’t have to worry that much. But good thing, I was able to keep myself free from lice.

Friday Fill-Ins #198

1. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to function well especially in the morning since I often sleep late and I am a bit stressed out with my works in the office and even at home.

2. I am very thankful about the whole thing that’s been happening in my life now, particularly the blessing I receive from Him.

3. Small things are considered as God’s blessing so we should treasure and be thankful for it.

4. Attending mass every Sunday is very enlightening.

5. I keep meaning to finish doing all my works but I still end up sleeping!

6. I don’t have Christmas shopping list yet and I know that I need to start doing it soon so I can start my shopping.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to have quality time with my family, tomorrow my plans include going to the mall and Sunday, I want to stay at home after I go to church!

Stay Fit and Eat Healthy

It's been 4 months already since I gave birth to my second child. As you all know, when women get pregnant, it's always a fact that they will gain weight. And as expected, that's exactly what happened to me.

I gained a lot of weight from my last pregnancy and until now, you can still see the evidence of it. But fortunately, I've lost a couple of pounds already since I'm on a diet and I really manage to lessen the intake of carbohydrates.

As of now, I still don't have plans of taking pills like Lipofuze because I'm still breastfeeding my baby. But perhaps, when he turns 1 year old, I might start considering taking it to help me lose weight faster and easily get back into shape.

For now, even though I'm on a diet, I always make sure that what I eat will be nutritious to myself and most especially, to my baby.

Future Plans

It's been almost the end of the year and I bet everyone is looking forward for the year 2011. And as the year starts, many people will start a new life since for some, new year may signify a new beginning.

As for me, since I've been working really hard for more than a decade now, I am actually planning to take another step forward and start to expand my horizons.

Hubby and I know that we can't stay in our job for a long time. There will come a point that we need to stop working due to our age and capabilities. And so I decided that we can start investing into something profitable that is sure to have benefits in the future. We were actually thinking of having a new biz or investing into gold bullion or perhaps real estate properties. We've read a lot of reviews about our options and we are really considering the different facts that can be an advantage or disadvantage, especially when it comes to our profit.

So far, we haven't finalized our decision yet but I am sure that we will push through with whatever options that we will choose since we know that we can't just depend on our income from our job to support our family.

Truly Missed

One thing that I want to receive this Christmas is a short vacation. I really miss traveling for it’s been a couple of months since I travelled with my family. As you know, I got pregnant so I wasn’t able to travel since I need to have a rest for safety and health reasons.

I’ve been actually talking to my sister and cousin the other night about the promos of different airlines. We really aim to go back to Hong Kong yearly but that didn’t happen anymore due to my pregnancy, busy schedule and of course, the budget. But next year, hubby and I are planning to have our first travel with our two kids. I’m also hoping that we will have extra budget by that time so I can tag along my parents and perhaps my sister.

Anyway, I’m still happy though because even if we will not be able to push through with that plan, we still have our summer getaway at Cebu and this will sort of serve as our family reunion since everyone will be coming. We are all excited for this and I’m pretty sure that everyone will have a blast.

Fire Element

Our backyard has been one of our favourite places in our house. This is where our kids play during weekends, this is where we host parties, this is where hubby and I spends our evening after our long day at work, this is where we entertain guests every time we have a visitor. Our backyard has been a very special place for us as it holds a lot of memories with our family and friends. So now that winter is almost here, hubby is thinking to get outdoor fire pits from http://www.outdora.com.

You know how cold it can be during the winter months but of course it still can not stop us from spending a great time outdoors and do the things that we normally do during the warm months and that is where a fire pit can come handy. That is why my husband is checking at the site of Outdora as recommended by a friend as they have a lot of high quality outdoor fire pits that we can buy at a very affordable price. Their fir pits ranges from the casual, to the romantic and elegant, to the double purposes fire pits that convert to table and even portable outdoor fire pits. Ordering from Outdora is never a hassle as they ship free of charge and since we are outside California, we will not incur sales tax too. They accept all kinds of major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express so my husband can just charge it to our credit card.

My husband is now checking at the different fire pits available from Outdora and once he made his decision, we will soon enjoy fire element in our backyard. This is really what we want as we would still want to enjoy the outdoors and have great bonding time with family and friends even during the cold winter months.

All Soul's Day

It is the first All Soul’s Day after my mother-in-law passed away. My husband and his siblings will all be going to the province to visit and pay respect to their mom who passed away just a few months ago.

Their initial plan was that his siblings will leave on the 29th of October and since my husband can’t go with them on the 29th, he will just take the plane to go there. But I don’t know why they had a change of plans last minute so it turns out, hubby even arrived a day before his siblings.

If it was only me who will decide, I will prefer that hubby take a plane ride back and forth. My first reason is that the van that they are using for that 16-hour drive is not even in good working condition and I am not even sure if their insurance includes emergency roadside assistance so at least I will be sure that they can get help whatever happens to them on the road. Second reason is that a 16-hour drive is very tiring and since hubby still has to go to work the next day, it will be easy on his body if he takes a 45-minute plane ride instead. Third reason is that I feel paranoid for their safety every time they go home as they usually leave in the evening and they will drive overnight so I am not sure of the condition of the driver plus there are a lot of accidents that happened in that area which makes me really feel paranoid of their safety.

But sometimes hubby can be really stubborn and he sometimes think that I am just being hard on him or I am just being selfish so he never listens. He will be one of the designated driver on their way back home (and I don’t even know when they plan to go home) and all I can do is just pray for their safety.

Artscow: Calendars and 6x6 Photo Books

Christmas is the season of gift giving and nothing can be more beautiful than a personalized and labor of love gift. Artscow is offering some great deals that you can avail so you can start creating those unique and personalized gifts that you can give to your relatives and friends this Christmas.

1. Customized Calendars. You can customize these calendars with pictures from front to back covers including the pictures that you want for every month. You can even add or mark dates that is special to the recipient such as birthdays and anniversaries of common friends. This calendar is available for only $10 which includes worldwide shipping already. You can also opt to have an 18-month calendar by just adding $3.

To avail of this promo, just use the following promo code:

Coupon Code: 2011CLDRS
Expiration: November 12, 2010

2. Free 18pcs 6”x6” Book Credits. Validate this book credit to your Artscow account and you can claim 3 6”x6” photo books every month over the course of half a year.

Coupon Code: 6M6X6BKS
Expiration: November 6, 2010
Effective Period: 6 months

You can add the credit to your account now and you can use it on saved projects.

Not For Politics

As I posted in my previous entries, my sister ran as Kagawad in our barangay. Unfortunately, she did not make it to the top 7. There is a long story behind it but I would rather not talk about it.

What is important is that we discovered what type of people they are. And besides there is nothing to be bitter about. She has a wonderful career as a programmer and she can get any tech jobs she wants because she has a very good education.

My family got a bit disappointed at first with the result of the election but I told them, all is good. We still have life after election. LOL. And at least now our life will be more quite and my mom can now concentrate in taking care of her two grand children.

But I am glad they were able to recover right away and they already accepted my sister’s fate. Maybe she is not born to become a politician after all.

A Good Way to End 2010

I can’t believe that 2010 is almost over. I remember I promised myself when 2010 entered that I will really try to live a frugal life and start with our savings account. But it is almost November already and in just three months, a new year will begin but I still don’t have enough savings on my account.

So when a friend referred to me the site of United States Gold Bureau, I got really interested as they can help me in investing in gold like gold coin, gold bar and gold bullion.

Gold is a very solid and stable investment as it does not depreciate over time. It can also be easily converted to cash as it is universally accepted.

I will start with gold bullion as my initial gold investment so I can start my 2011 right by investing my money instead of just spending all of it in shopping.

My Fault

It is past 12 midnight already and my night is just beginning as I have to stay up late to work on some of my pending work. (Welcome acne! So I am sure I will really need acne product as I will have acne breakouts because of this). Then I will only be able to work for one hour or less before Jacobo wakes up to fee so I have to stop working to attend to Jacobo's needs.

I know it is my fault as I should have started working right away as soon as I reached home. But instead of working I watched Survivor Philippines and the Amazing Race Asia first before I went ahead to start working so now it is already 12:31 AM and I still have tons of work to do.

So goodbye for now as I have to go offline and close Twitter and Facebook so I can concentrate on what I am doing so I can go home soon.

Cebu Pacific Seat Sale: Osaka & Clark Route

Cebu Pacific has released yet another offer for their avid customers coming from Clark and for those who want to visit the beautiful Osaka, Japan.

They want to boost their Osaka route and so they are cutting down their Japan fare by 66% by offering a “Go Lite” Manila to Osaka route for only P1,999. This is valid for travel from December 1, 2010 until February 28, 2011. You can book this Manila to Osaka “Go Lite” fare from October 30, 2010 or until seats last.

Guests coming from Diosdado Macapagal International Airport in Clark can also avail of an amazing promo from now until October 30 for travel from December 1, 2010 to February 28, 2011. Their Clark to Cebu route can be availed for only P499 for “Go Lite” fare. Their Clark to Macau route is also on sale for only P999 ‘Go Lite’ fare. The P1,499 ‘Go Lite’ seats are also up for grabs from Clark to Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok.

So what are you waiting for, grab this promo now.

Sad Story

My friend who works at the hospital shared with us her sentiments because she encountered a number of patients who experience extreme pain and suffering because of a hip replacement. This may be due to a hip replacement system of DePuy Orthopedics.

Just a few months ago, Johnson & Johnson had a Depuy hip recall of their hip replacement system because they received a number of complains because like pain, swelling, inflammation and tissue damage.

It is not really the choice of the victim to have a hip replacement but they have to do it for health reasons and so it is really sad to know that they will encounter such problems. But luckily they can always file for a product liability claims like Accutane lawsuit and the lawyers of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerathlaw firm can help them.

Product liability claims is a complex process and it is really a must that victims of DePuy should get lawyers who really know the ins and outs of product liability claims so they will be sure that they can get a claim.

I feel bad after hearing my friend’s story but relief in a way as I know that O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath can help the victims win their case.

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.

PAL's Pay Day Treat

This just came in today and so before I search for acne scar creams, let me post this one first as the promo will start at 12 midnight today.

PAL is giving out a Pay Day Treat and is offering low fares for their domestic destinations with an unbelievable price of only P788. Booking period is from October 28 to 29, 2010 for travel from November 4 to December 15 2010 and/or January 10 to March 15 2011.

Oh my gosh I am so tempted to book a flight either to Bohol or Boracay for our 6th year anniversary this coming January. I know I should be saving up for a possible major trip this coming June 2011 but I also would want to have a beach escapade for our anniversary.

So I will try my luck later and if ever I find a flight that is on sale on the date that I like then I will take it as a sign that we are really meant to have a vacation come January. So wish me luck guys.

Boo Boo Of Toyota

Look like my husband will need a natural migraine treatment as for sure he will have migraine attacks again after dealing with our contact at Toyota.

Our car has been hit by a delivery van a few months ago which left a big dent and scratch at the passenger side of our car. Thankfully we got insurance so almost all the expenses is covered except for the participation fee that we have to pay. We left the car with them and they said that lead time will be for a minimum of three weeks. After three weeks, we received a call from our contact in Toyota and he was insisting that our back sensor is broken and it has not been working when we brought it in to the shop.

My husband was really surprised as we even used the car before bringing it in and our back sensor is still working. We don’t want to arrive at a conclusion right way but looks like they accidentally damaged the back sensor when they dismantle the car during the painting job.

My dad went to Toyota at their Customer Service department to report the incident as we are 100% sure that our back sensor was in good working condition when we brought it in. After hours of discussion with the customer service agent and after all the technicians, mechanics and supervisor has been interviewed, they agree to replace the back sensor at no fee.

We should have been happy with what they did but lo and behold, after using our car for only two days, the back sensor is not working again. My husband will be bringing the car to Toyota again tomorrow and we hope that everything will be sorted out....eventually.

Galactic Halloween Adventure

I spent a lot of time browsing the net and calling hotels yesterday to look for a Halloween event where I can take B, Jacobo and my two other cousins to celebrate Halloween. All the hotels that I called yesterday don’t have an event for kids this Halloween. EDSA Shangri-la have a Halloween event but the theme is rock star and B and Jacobo’s costume is not in sync with that theme so I did not consider that as the event that we can go to on the 31st.

I was already loosing hope until I received this email from SM Advantage exclusive to their members. They are having a Galactic Halloween adventure with their show, “The hunt for Blurb.” This show will run from October 30 to 31 only and it is about Dr. Bunsen Burner’s adventure as he looks for his friend Blurb.

And as an exclusive treat to SM advantage, SM Prestige and BDO card holders, you can earn 3x rewards point when you present your card upon purchase of ticket at the Science and Discovery Center.

We have long been planning to bring B here so I guess this is the perfect time to treat her for an adventure at Science and Discovery Center at SM Mall of Asia.

Shopping Mode

I am really not good in resisting sales. Today is the last day for the Door buster deals of Old Navy and since I have a deadline to meet before the promo expires, I did not think twice and just shopped and shopped for jeans, t-shirts and shoes for Jacobo and B.

If only I have Forex trading software then I will have better understanding of the value of dollar then maybe there might be a chance that I can control my shopping and just save my money.

But who can resist an offer such as this:

• 50% off on selected items
• Additional 10% off even on items that are already on sale
• Free shipping for orders $50 and above (and for sure I hit the $50 minimum required so I got the free shipping too).

Anyways I shopped for clothes and shoes which are essential and not just want, right? And Jacobo and B really need new pair of jeans so I guess my shopping for today is justified. LOL.

For All Soul’s Day

This coming All Soul’s Day, my in-laws will all be going home to Bicol to visit and pay respect to my mother-in-law. I would have wanted to go to accompany hubby but I don’t want to leave Jacobo behind again. I even don’t have enough breast-milk supply as I can’t express enough milk to leave behind to Jacobo as I am already back to work.

So hubby and I agreed that B, Jacobo and I will not be going with him this time. Hubby will leave on the 31st of October via Air Phil to Legaspi and he will be picked up by his siblings there before they head to their hometown in Sorsogon. Then they will head back to Manila the next day.

I am glad that hubby will just be gone overnight as it is really difficult to be left behind with two kids. But it will be harder if we tag along two kids, one newborn at that, with us going to a remote area so I guess this setup is really much better.

Happy for My Friend

As you grow older, you tend to think your life through and sometimes you will really feel that life is short and precious and that you should not waste your time and would rather start doing the things that can make you really happy.

I guess this is what happened to my friend as she just gave up her work to find her true passion, a career in the fashion and beauty industry. She quit her job and enrolled in the beauty course of Regency Beauty Institute, cosmetology school in Phoenix.

Regency Beauty Institute has a good reputation when it comes to beauty schools as they really give their students comprehensive training. Their campuses are well equipped that it is like their students are working in a real high end salons so they really get the best hands-on training. They even have a placement program wherein they help their students find a job in salons, cruise ships and even runways after graduating from the course.

I am really happy for my friend as I know that she finally found the thing that will really make her happy.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051.

Artscow Promos: Stamper, Christmas Ornaments & Photo Watches

All my friends are getting crazy creating their photo book from Artscow. Who wouldn’t when they can get the layouts and the printing for free and all they have to pay for is the shipping. Some of my friends ordered minimum of five photo books each from the promo.

I haven’t find the time to sit down to create my own photo books but I really, really wish I will be able to find time as I have a lot of pictures just sitting on the CD and it will be really nice if I can have them printed in a photo book format.

But if you wish to avail of some of Artscow other promo, then here is a list:

1. New product: Rubber Name Stamper
Price: $3.99 each with free shipping
Coupon Code: STAMPME
Expiration: October 31, 2010

2. Christmas Ornaments
Price: $1.99 which comes with a free shipping
Coupon Code: ONMT2010
Expiration: October 23, 2010

3. Photo Watches
Price: $15.99 with free shipping
Coupon Code: TIMELESS
Expiration: November 2, 2010

Happy 4th Month Jacobo

It will be pizza, pasta (and maybe beer) night for Jacobo’s 4th month birthday celebration later (so I will really need the best stomach fat burning after this occasion to help me burn those unwanted fats in my tummy).

My sister will actually be treating us and we will order our favorite Pizza and Pasta from Yellow Cab. This is her treat to us after getting her first pay cheque from her new job. She and her boyfriend will drop by at SM San Lazaro later to get the pizza and the pasta and I also asked her to buy a cake for Jacobo and it will be one feast at our house later. I think my aunt will also be cooking Crispy Pata too.

I can already imagine the spicy Charlie Chan Pasta and the four cheese pizza that I love. Burp!! Just thinking about it makes me really hungry already. I can’t wait for later.

For Our Kids

My husband and I have been working really hard to earn for our family in a very decent way. Aside from our day job, we both have sideline work to add to the budget of our family. Sometimes we feel tired because of our busy schedule but we are just doing it as we want to give the best for our family. The money that we get from our day job is the one that we use to support all our household expenses like electricity bills, groceries, supplies for the kids and the like. And the salary that we get from our side job is the one that we set aside as our savings.

Just like now, we are considering on buying gold coin as our first gold investment. A friend introduced us to the site of United States Gold Bureau and we really learned a lot after reading the information about gold investment from their site. We learned that gold is a very stable investment as it does not depreciate in time unlike other investments so it is really a safe way to preserve money.

As parents we only want the best for our kids and so we will never get tired of working just so we can earn to give our kids a decent and comfortable life.

Kids Love Toys

If you have kids, expect that over time, your house will be overflowing with toys. That is how our house looks like now.

Since B is our first child we were really excited as parents that we bougth lots and lots of toys for B. Every year we also have a party for B and so she will always receive lots of toys as gifts from our relatives and friends. The same is true every Christmas. And now that we have Jacobo, I am sure we will accumulate more toys for him also.

Now that Christmas is coming, we are starting to think now on what gift we want to give to our two kids. I know I sometimes complain that our house is a real mess with all the toys scattered around but I guess kids just love toys and it is really something that they will not get tired of receiving.

So I guess even if we don’t have space in our house for more toys, it will still be our gift for them this Christmas as I love the look in their eyes every time they open a gift with their favourite toys inside.

Promos from Sofitel

I just received this in my mail today, two exciting promos from Sofitel:


For just P 46,000, you get to enjoy a 2-night stay at Sofitel inclusive of skin revitalization and natural body sculpting treatments topped off with a relaxing massage at LeSpa.

Treatment for an extra guest is set at Php 32,310 net.

This offer valid until December 31, 2010 only.


A three-night stay includes:
Breakfast at Spiral for two
A rejuvenating facial
Natural facial contouring
Non-invasive body sculpting
Weight management sessions

Plus a massage and body scrub at LeSpa and three Fit & Fab lunches by Sofitel Executive Chef Marko Rankel!

All for only PhP 62,100 net.

Treatment for an extra guest is set at Php 40,700 net and this offer valid until December 31, 2010.

For inquiries and reservations, please call us at (632) 551 5555 loc. 1991 to 1994
Or email us at room.reservations@sofitelmanila.com

For Zen Institute queries, please call (632) 551 5555 loc 152

Christmas Shopping

It is just 71 days to go before Christmas so Christmas is really just around the corner. This means that it is time for me to start with my Christmas shopping to beat the Christmas shopping rush:

1. For my nephew, I am thinking to get him one of those xbox games because I saw how he loves playing with his xbox. I asked his mom and some of his favourite games are Crackdown and Call of Duty which are games for xbox 360 so I might get him one of those as he still don’t have this xbox game yet.
2. For my mom and sister, I am just waiting for the next sale from Magnums and I might get each of them a medium Le Pliage bag.
3. For B, I might get her the kid’s camera from Vtech so she can start practicing taking pictures and who knows, she might be like her dad one day.
4. I still don’t have an idea yet on what to get Jacobo but I am looking at the different toys from Lamaze.
5. For myself, I am drooling over a “G” bag so hopefully my friend will agree to get one for me when she goes to Paris next month.

This is just my partial Christmas shopping list as I still have a lot of persons to add to my list so I am sure my credit card will be maxed out again in the coming months.

Good Luck Sis!

My sister is a Computer Science graduate and she recently graduated a few months ago. But before she looks for technology jobs, she decided to run for public office first as a Barangay Kagawad in the coming barangay election.

My mom is the incumbent chairman but she already served for three terms already and by law, she can be in public office for three consecutive terms only. Our neighbours are actually telling my mom to ask either me or my brother to replace her as the chairman but neither of us was interested as we are both busy with work and family.

And so we did not thought that our little sister will be interested in politics as she told my mom that she wants to run as a Kagawad. If you will ask me, I want my mom to be the last politician in our family as I don’t like politics, I don’t like the intrigues and the stress and I don’t want any of my family to experience that. But looks like my sister is really serious and she really wants to serve our barangay like my mom and so we are giving her our full support.

To my sister, we wish you good luck and we hope that you will win as one of the kagawads in the coming barangay election. We will be here to support you all the way.

A Little Secret

Let me share with you a little secret. Are you looking for a term life insurance and is having a hard time getting quotes from different insurance companies? And if ever you were successful in getting quotes, don’t you find it hard and time consuming to compare each f these quotes that you sometimes end up just getting whoever replies to your queries first without even checking if the coverage of that insurance is okay or not.

If you are in the same situation as above, you will be happy like me for discovering the site of WholesaleInsurance.net (check this out.)

What they do is compare term life insurance quotes and rates from even the top insurance companies like John Hancock, ING, RBC Insurance and the like. You can even do a search by coverage amount so you can easily find the best insurance for you base on the budget that you want.

I am really glad I have discovered the site of WholesaleInsurance.net as it makes my job of looking for the best term life insurance very easy.

Cebu Pacific Sale Alert: Hong Kong


Apart from the dancing flight attendants on board, one more reason why you should book a flight with Cebu Pacific is because they are offering seat sale again for their flights to Hong Kong.

They will increase their frequency of flight from Manila to Hong Kong to keep up with the demands of their ever loyal customers. Starting November 24, 2010, they will fly from Manila to Hong Kong five times daily and to celebrate that, they will be giving low seat sale fares for as low as P1,499 from now until October 6, 2010 or until seats last. This is valid for travel from December 1, 2010 until January 31, 2011.

‘Go Lite’ seats are also available for Cebu to Hong Kong flights for only P1,999.

So what are you waiting for? Book your tickets now as Go lite seats really go fast.

Dreaming of Having My Own

People dream to have their own business, especially Filipinos who are known to be business minded persons. I too aim to have my own business in the future.

But actually I've already started venturing into this but then it is in partnership with my brother. I still want to have my own or probably hubby can be my business partner by then.

And so before we start pursuing this we both know that we still need to work hard for the capital that we will need. This is why hubby and I often work overtime to save enough money to start with our plans. We are also thinking of applying for loans or we can also start investing our money by buying gold bullion since this can be a great source because its value doesn't depreciate as often as any other luxurious things we buy.

We are obviously doing this for our family especially to our kids' future as we always want to give them the best.


I am so itching to go somewhere this December or January to celebrate the holiday season and Hong Kong tops my list. We were at Hong Kong November last year and we just love the weather during that time, it is not too hot or too cold so we wanted to go back when it is still winter in Hong Kong.

Well aside from the fact that I will have a reason to shop for womens boots that I can wear during our stay there, I would love our kids to experience Disneyland during the holiday season as I know that they have special shows, parades and attractions during the Christmas season. This will be a perfect Christmas gift for our kids. It is also the best time to go as B is off from school during that time also.

I guess I better start looking for affordable packages now if I really want to make this plan happen.

Manila Ocean Park Musical Fountain Show P50 Promo

Because I am desperate to loose weight, I want to know what is three best dfiet pill on the market today so I don’t have to make a trial and error on which products work.

But before I start doing my research, let me post this great promo from Manila Ocean Park first.

The Manila Ocean Park if offering big discount on entrance fee for one of their newest attraction, the Musical Fountain Show. This show is similar to the Songs of the Sea show in Singapore and they are saying that it is even better. This is the country's first and grandest musical fountain show which includes a display of fire, music, and laser lights.

The entrance fee for this show is Php 300 per head on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays and Php 250 per head on Wednesdays to Fridays. But they are offering this show right now for only P50 entrance fee. All you have to do is register online and wait for the P50 coupon to be sent to you via SMS. Just save this text message and present this at the ticket booth so you only have to pay P50 to watch this great show.

I already registered and received my SMS coupon and we are planning to watch the show with B this weekend.

Friday 5 for October 1: Drops

1. What was the last thing you dropped on the kitchen floor? My shoes. LOL. Our shoe rack is near our kitchen and since I don’t cook, I barely lay my hands on any kitchen utensils, thus the shoe.
2. What cough drops do you like, and do they work very well? I hate drinking medicine especially if it is just for cough.
3. Who was the last person you dropped off somewhere? My daughter. I take her to her ballet class every Saturday.
4. When were you ever dropped like a bad habit? I can’t recall any situation like that.
5. What are your favorite kind of raindrops? The small ones that will invite you to bath in the rain.

Join us here.

Our Future Athlete

Last Saturday was the last day of B in her swimming class for the 1st quarter session. I was actually thinking through if she should continue for another quarter as it is sometimes difficult to keep up with our busy weekend schedule because of the classes that B needs to attend. But hubby and I always dreamed of our kids to becomes athletes someday and collect their sports trophies and so if it means we have to wake up early every Saturday to bring her to class and to sacrifice our schedule to have time for B, then by all means we will do that.

B is really doing good in her swimming class and her head coach told us that she will train B to become an athlete someday as she can also see the potential in B. And besides, B is really enjoying her swimming class and as parents, we are just here to support our kids with whatever they want to be in the future.

So after taking B to her ballet class today, we will just rest for a bit, eat lunch and then head straight to CSA in Makati for B’s swimming class.

Hard Work = Money

A lot of us would think that money is very important. Well I definitely agree with that. Money is one of the motivations of the people to strive and work hard just to save money to sustain their every need and expenses.

I must admit that money motivates me lot especially now that I have 2 kids. My eldest is coming to the big school already, and sooner than later, my baby boy will soon join schools for babies like Gymboree and little gym as well.

So this only means that I'll be needing a lot of money for the expenses. This is the reason why hubby and I are thinking of expanding our investment and try new things like gold coins aside from our current business and real estates. I've learned that gold can be a good asset because of the fact that it's value doesn't cheapen as often as cars and the like.

For now, hubby and I are still discussing about it since this will involve a big amount of money.

Looking Forward

As we plan for the renovation of our house, we asked my uncle’s help since he’s an expert when it comes to this because he is an architect. We described to him what we want for our house and the he drew a proposal for the structure and the materials needed.

When I saw the design, I instantly liked it for that’s exactly what I want for our dream house. He provided a space for the Sunrooms Richmond that I’ve been requesting to hubby that’s why I became more excited. I even specified to him that I prefer Doors Richmond or a full glass door, depending on the theme and style of the house.

Ever since I saw the plan, I decided to search further for Home Improvement Richmond because I know that we’ll be able to get the best services here. I am so excited for the renovation but I still have to wait for at least a year since we still have to deal with the budget.

Weekend with My Family

Hubby has been very busy lately regarding our house in our province. Every weekend, he goes there to transfer some of our things and he’s also applying a new line for the electricity and water supply.

This coming weekend, he’s planning to go back there again and have a general cleaning so that when we all go there, the place will be clean and it will be more comfortable for us to stay there especially to our kids. He is even looking for carpet cleaning Vienna VA to make sure that the carpet will be dust and germ free since the kids often stay there to play. The good thing about this is that there cleaning process is very safe and effective that’s why hubby insists that we should really look for it.

I am looking forward to have a weekend there with my family since the place is so peaceful and relaxing. I definitely need to have a break because ever since I went back to work, I got so many duties and tasks to finish, which are so stressful for me. So I hope hubby will be able to fix everything before we plan to visit there again.

Artscow Promo: 8x8 Photo Book

Have you heard about cissus quadrangularis? My cousin is asking me about it and I have no clue how to answer her question so I told her that I have to do some research first.

But before I do that, let me share here first another great offer from Artscow. They are throwing away for free six 20-paged 8” x 8” hardcover photo book credits plus an extra two 39-paged editions. All you have to pay for is the shipping and you can create six great photo books for all those pictures just sitting in your hard disk.

But you have to hurry as you should be able to enter this credit by tomorrow which is valid for use for 30 days. I just added it under my Credits and Discounts and I am hoping that I can find the time to create my photo books for all the travel pictures that we have accumulated through the years.

To avail of this promo, just use the following code:

Coupon Code: EIGHTBKS
Expiration date: September 21, 2010
Validity: 30 days


Who would have thought that a simple solution to acne problems can lead to serious illnesses like Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and ulcerative colitis . This has been the findings of FDA with the medicine called Accutane.

Accutane is used to treat cystic acne but it was proven that in taking this medicine, it will increase the possibility of contracting inflammatory bowel diseases. These illnesses are no joke as it cause an individual cramping, pain, diarrhea, bleeding, and frequent bowel movements.

It is not the fault of those who took Accutane if they contracted these diseases so it is just right that they get compensation from the makers of Accutane for the damages that this medicine has caused them. Those individuals can file for a Accutane Lawsuit and the lawyers of O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath can help them with that. They are a team of experienced and competent lawyers who can help victims of Accutane file for injury claims.

So if you have contracted any of the inflammatory diseases caused by taking Accutane, then contact O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath law firm now so they can help you with your injury claim.

Del Monte Kitchenomics Culinary Program

I always wanted to attend any of the cooking classes offered by Del Monte Kitchenomics but the venue is far from our place and our weekends are always filled with activities for our kids.

But if you have the time and is really interested to learn some tricks and tips on how to prepare easy to cook, affordable and sumptuous meals, then you should check out any one of these classes being offered by Del Monte Kitchenomics for this month:

Cooking 101 for Helpers
P 2,600
Class schedule: September 18 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Have helpers learn basic home food safety and how to cook old time family favorites with some twists.
Dishes that will be taught: Arroz Valenciana, Lengua, Hamonado, Cocido, Rellenong Bangus

On The House: Healthy Breakfast
Class schedule: September 24 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Reawaken your appetite for breakfast with these delicious breakfast fare.
Dishes that will be taught: Chicken Tapa Slices, Homemade Granola Fruit Crunch, Easy Corn and Tuna Rounds

It's a Date: Couples Gourmet
P 3,600/PAIR
Class schedule: September 25 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Set a date with a loved one and prepare an easy but stylish feast.

On cancer

Hubby received a very bad news yesterday when he learned that the husband of a close friend died from Mesothelioma cancer. The widow is the former teacher of my husband and my mother-in-law’s colleague. She is also one of our principal sponsors during our wedding.

Hubby will be dropping by later at the funeral to send our condolences and pay our last respect to our friend. I wanted to go with him but nobody will be left behind with our kids.

Every time I hear cancer, it makes me really scared and paranoid as two of my relatives died from cancer. Our children is still small and every parent would want to see their kids grow up, have their own family and succeed in life and so our prayers has always been to keep us healthy so we will be able to fulfil our dreams and watch our kids grow up to be fine individuals.

Good Investment: Gold

I just viewed my bank statement online and I was surprised to find out at how little interest our deposited money has gained. This really convinced me that if you have extra cash, it is really not wise to just let it sit on bank as it will not earn that much.

Because of this, I did some research and I discovered that gold investment is the best form of investment now. Unlike other forms of investment where there is a risk that its value might depreciate, gold is a very secure form of investment as it is not affected by the fall of the economy. It is also universally accepted so it can be easily converted to cash. Its storage won’t be a problem too as it can easily stored in a safety deposit box at home or it can stored for safe keeping in a local bank.

Now that we have extra money, my husband and I agreed that it will be wise to just invest it in gold like gold coin rather than have it sit idly in bank.

For Xmas & New Year

Those who have fast metabolism are very lucky as they don’t have problems in burning those unwanted fat. But I heard there is a way to increase metabolism. But before I find thermogenic fat burners on the net, let me just share this important Promo Announcement from Cebu Pacific that I just received today in my Twitter account.

They are having a P99 Holiday seat sale on all their domestic destinations and the travel date is from Dec 24 – 25, 2010 and December 31, 2010 to January 1, 2011.

I always wanted to go out of town during New Year’s Eve but everything is expensive during this time from the airfare to the hotel accommodations. But with this promo, I am hoping that we will finally be able to spend our New Year’s Eve in Boracay or Bohol while we watch the fireworks display while seating on our beach chair and enjoying the buffet dinner at the hotel.

Selling period is until September 20, 2010 only or until seats last. So hurry, grab your seats now.